Lansing Community College

The Lan-Scene

The Lan-Scene

The Lan-Scene, hosted by Luci Solis, brings you inspiring stories focusing on individuals from our local community who have overcome adversity. You’ll learn about the events, opportunities, and resources available in our region in addition to interviews with community members, short segments featuring the mayor of Lansing and a rundown of local events!

The Host

Luci Solis

Luci Solis

Lucianna ‘Luci’ Solis is someone who started her young adult life in poverty but found herself lifted through the help of the community. Currently, she fulfills the role of Mayor's Community Relations and Faith-Based Initiative Manager for the Office of the Mayor and through The Lan-Scene, she will explore stories similar to her own; where individuals have overcome (or are overcoming) adversity through the help of their community.