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The StarZone is home to many student service departments such as admissions, academic advising, financial aid, student finance, testing and more! Visit the Enrollment Support Specialists in the StarZone for help with admissions, class registration, general financial aid questions and more.

Phone: 517-483-1200
Toll Free: 800-644-4522
Fax: 517-483-9668
Downtown Campus
Gannon Building
411 N. Grand Ave
Lansing, MI 48933
Other Contacts
Registrar's Office
Phone: 517-483-1200 option 2
Email: registrar@lcc.edu
Online Chat
Financial Aid
Phone: 517-483-1200 option 1
Email: financialaid@lcc.edu
Academic Advising
Phone: 517-483-1200 option 4
Email: eadvising@lcc.edu
Testing Services
Phone: 517-267-5500
Email: lcc-testing-services@lcc.edu