At Lansing Community College, we police with safety in mind. LCC police officers are law enforcement professionals who patrol, monitor and observe our campuses as part of LCC's cooperative learning community. The Police Department at LCC functions as an independent law enforcement agency, allowing us to measure our interventions and responses with appropriate sensitivity in collegiate settings.
Contact LCC Police Department
LCC Dispatch: 517-483-1800
Available 24 hours a day
Downtown Campus - LCC Police
411 N. Grand Ave.
Lansing, MI 48933
Location: GB 2110
Phone: 517-483-1800
West Campus - LCC Police
5708 Cornerstone Drive
Lansing, MI 48917
Location: N181
Phone: 517-483-1500
In an emergency call 911 for local Police, Fire, and Emergency Medical Services.
The Citizen Contact Receipt
To ensure safe and responsible interactions between officers and citizens on LCC campuses, the Police Department has created The Citizen Contact Receipt, or Stop Receipt. A responding officer gives a Stop Receipt to any individual with whom the officer has official contact. Stop Receipts are actual, physical pieces of paper containing all the relevant information resulting from a person's interactions with LCC police: time, date, location, officer name and service number, reason for interaction, race, gender, and the result of the interaction. Other information pertaining to force or other aspects of police intervention will also be chronicled on Stop Receipts.
Situations that might require an officer to issue a Stop Receipt include car stops, interviews relating to an investigation, detention, arrest, and any other interaction with police that occurs as part of official business or investigation.
The Citizen Contact Receipt allows for a high level of transparency with the citizens we serve, and accountability for officers' investigative interactions with the community. It will allow supervisors to conduct more thorough daily monitoring of officer activities, which will assist them in detecting any patterns of behavior in terms of the targeting or profiling of certain individuals be it through race, gender, age etc.
The Citizen Contact receipt went into effect on August 16, 2021. Officers have been issuing receipts since that date.
Below is a list of services provided by the LCC Police Department. Visit us by stopping the LCC Police Department office in the Gannon Building downtown or call 517-483-1800:
- Battery jump starts
- Directional assistance
- Lost & Found at Downtown and West campus.
Unclaimed items are donated or disposed of after six months. - Open locked vehicles
- Safety escort
- After hours building access, if necessary
- Emergency CPR, First Aid, or AED use during a medical emergency
- Regular check and servicing of fire extinguishers, AED batteries, and first aid kits
- Emergency notifications and timely warnings when warranted
- The development and delivery of safety and law enforcement talks, when requested.
Please report suspicious behavior, unusual circumstances and any possible law enforcement crimes or offenses immediately by calling 517-483-1800. Anonymous reporting is acceptable.

LCC Police investigates all criminal incidents which take place on a campus within our jurisdiction.
Request a Police Escort
Police escorts are for LCC students, faculty or staff and not the general public. Citizens may request a police escort by:
- Calling 517-483-1800
- Approaching an officer directly around campus grounds
- Coming to the Police Department Office located in the Gannon Building at 411 N Grand Ave.
Report a Crime
- For emergencies please dial 911 for local police fire or medical services.
- Call LCC Police Department's primary phone number 517-483-1800
- In person at the Police Department office located inside the Gannon Building at 411 N Grand Ave.
- By approaching any officer seen on campus
See Something, Say Something
The Lansing Community College Police Department is committed to providing a safe place to learn and work. To maintain a safe campus, the LCC Police strongly encourage students, staff and visitors to all LCC campuses to speak up; if you see something, say something.
Active shooter/active violence training

The LCC Police Department is offering training sessions to help you stay safe during an active shooter situation. The two-hour training will cover:
- What LCC does to prevent an act of violence
- How law enforcement responds to active violence
- Actions you can take in an active shooter situation at the college or elsewhere
- What not to do in a crisis
- How to recognize suspicious behaviors and patterns
All students and employees are encouraged to attend one of the sessions.
Employees are being asked to register in the TMS system on the work tab on MyLCC.
2024 Training dates
- 1-3 p.m. June 13, Downtown Campus, Gannon Building, room 2214
- CANCELLED – 6-8 p.m. Sept. 3, Downtown Campus, Gannon Building, room 2214
- 1-3 p.m. Sept. 17, West Campus, room W157
- CANCELLED –1-3 p.m. Sept. 26, Downtown Campus, Gannon Building, room 2214
- 10 a.m.-noon Oct. 8, LCC East
- 1-3 p.m. Oct. 15, Livingston County Center
- 1-3 p.m. Nov. 12, Downtown Campus, Gannon Building, room 2214
- 1-3 p.m. Nov. 15, West Campus, room W157
LCC Police Department Information
LCC Police Department is in compliance with the federal guidelines for reporting crimes in and around the college campus. We also provide emergency procedures and a safety report.
Annual Security Reports
The Annual Security Report (ASR) is published annually on or before Oct. 1st in accordance with the requirements of the Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Act (Clery Act). The report is required by federal law to certify our good-faith effort, to ensure you are aware of your surroundings and have the information you need to keep yourself safe. The Annual Security Report contains statistics from the previous three years concerning crimes that occurred on campus, on non-campus buildings, on properties owned or controlled by the College, and on public property. The report also includes College policy statements concerning campus security, crime prevention, reporting of crimes; timely warnings; emergency response and evacuation; alcohol use, drug use, and sexual offenses.
The Annual Security Report is available on the LCC Police Department website. A hard copy of the report is available upon request by contacting the LCC Police Department Office at 517-483-1800, or in person in the Gannon Building, 411 N. Grand Avenue, Room 2110, Lansing Michigan.
Dispatch Call Box Locations
Dispatch Call Box Locations Map for Downtown and West Campus
LCC Alerts
LCC Alert | SMS leader language |
Emergency Notification | LCC EMERGENCY ALERT: |
Timely Warning | LCC CRITCAL ALERT: |
Public Safety Notice | LCC URGENT ALERT: |
If I am a current student or employee
Get information on how LCC students and employees will receive an emergency notification.
I'm not a student or employee, but I want to receive the alerts
If you are not an LCC student or employee but would like to receive the alerts click on the link below and follow the instructions.
Campus Security Authority Incident Report
The CSA Incident Form is intended for the sole use of those persons designated as Campus Security Authorities (CSA) at and for Lansing Community College as required under the Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Act (Clery Act). The form is to be used when a CSA has received information regarding an incident that he or she believes to be a reportable offense under the Clery Act, and when the complainant does not wish to report the incident to the police. In all cases, the person reporting the incident to the CSA may choose to withhold his or her identity.
Please complete all of the fields to provide the College with the best opportunity to respond to this incident.
Note: You may need to create an account. If you are unable to log in, please contact the Help Desk by calling 517-483-5221 or for help.
For immediate assistance, call 911 or LCC Police Department at 517-483-1800.
Crime Prevention Tips
General Tips
LCC's Downtown Campus is patrolled 24 hours a day, seven days a week. West Campus is patrolled 16 hours a day Monday through Friday and 12 hours on Saturday. East Campus, Aviation Maintenance Technology Center, and Livingston Campus are not staffed with LCC police. In the event of an emergency, please call 911 for response from the nearest local law enforcement agency.
- Be aware of your surroundings at all times. Keep your eyes and ears open.
- Trust your instincts and gut feelings.
- Park and walk in well-traveled, well-lit areas.
- Walk to your car in groups, if possible.
- If you are uncomfortable, call LCC Police at (517) 483-1800 for an escort.
- Carry a cell phone. If you are being bothered or followed, call 911. If you don't have a cell phone, ask a passerby to call 911 for you or go to the nearest emergency phone box.
- Ask LCC Police for a safety whistle to carry. The whistles are available to LCC students and employees and are intended to be used ONLY in emergency situations where there are no means of escape and you cannot get to a phone to call 911. If you hear someone blow a whistle, call 911 immediately. Furthermore, if you see anything suspicious, dial 911.
Larceny From Auto
- Make sure the doors on your vehicle are locked and your windows are completely rolled up and secure.
- Do not leave any valuables such as electronics in plain sight where people walking by your car can see them. If you must leave items of value locked inside your vehicle, ensure those items are secured in your trunk and out of plain sight
- Do not leave any of your personal items unattended
- Do not leave cell phones on charging stations unattended
Top Safety Features
- Emergency Call Boxes (23) on Downtown Campus
- Rave Guardian Mobile App
- LCC Emergency Alerts powered by RAVE Mobile Safety
- Behavior Intervention Team (BIT)
- The college has more than 500 cameras used for situational awareness and historical purposes. Cameras are placed at Downtown, West, East, Livingston County Center and Aviation Maintenance Technology Center Campuses.
Only a few cameras can be monitored at a time by the dispatch center.
Minors on Campus
Lansing Community College is committed to providing a safe environment for minors who participate in College programs and activities. All students, including those who have not attained the legal age of majority and who participate in College sponsored activities or programs, including but not limited to athletic and educational camps and the ERESA program are expected to follow all College policies, procedures, and the Student Code of Conduct. The College has Standard Operating Procedures in place to provide a safe environment for minors who participate in programs held by outside organizations using College facilities.
LCC Police Department officers constantly patrol the campus to assure a high level of good physical security. As a regular part of their patrol duties, they look for any safety problems such as defective lighting, inoperative doors or locks, broken sidewalks, steps and handrails, and any other conditions that might detract from one's personal well-being. All such conditions can either be reported, in writing, to the Physical Plant Department for correction, or by calling LCC Police Department and Parking at (517) 483-1800.
Police Officers
All of our police officers are required to meet or exceed the Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards (MCOLES). This training includes:
- Basic first-aid and AED operation
- Patrol techniques (defensive driving tactics)
- Interviewing skills, fingerprinting and police photography
- Civil disturbances and dealing with emotionally disturbed persons
- Firearms
- Criminal Law
- Crime scene and fraud investigations
Additionally, our officers receive various types of in-service training relating to the specific needs of the campus.
Civilian Employees
Our department also has civilian employees who work in uniform. Training for these employees include:
- Basic first-aid and AED operation
- Fire alarm training
Additionally, these employees receive various types of in-service training relating to the specific needs of the campus.
Title IX
Title IX Contact Information
Title IX and Sexual Misconduct Resources
To file a complaint, contact a Title IX Coordinator:
Christine Thompson
Dir. Of Student Compliance
Student Title IX Coordinator
Gannon Building
411 N. Grand Avenue
Lansing, MI 48933
Phone: 517-483-9632
Greg Lattig
Athletic Director
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Gannon Building
411 N. Grand Avenue
Lansing, MI 48933
Phone: 517-483-1622
JR Beauboeuf
Director of Risk Management
Equal Opportunity Officer & Title IX Coordinator
309 N. Washington Square
Lansing, MI 48933
Phone: 517-483-1730
(harassment based on race, religion, disability, or other non-gender based issues)
JR Beauboeuf
Director of Risk Management & Equal Opportunity Officer
309 N. Washington Square
Lansing, MI 48933
Phone: 517-483-1730
Consumer Information
Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program (DAAPP)
Lansing Community College will maintain a Drug Free Workplace and an educational environment free from the unlawful manufacturing, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of alcohol or illegal drugs. The College has a DAAPP that is distributed annually and on an ongoing basis to all employees and students via email. The DAAPP contains descriptions of the health risks of drug and alcohol abuse; drug and alcohol counseling, treatment and rehabilitation programs; and the legal sanctions for violations of College policies, local, state or federal laws relating to illicit drugs and alcohol. A biennial review of the DAAPP is also conducted. A paper copy of these resources can be obtained from the LCC Police Department at 411 N. Grand Avenue, Gannon Building, Room 2110, Lansing, MI 48933.
Contact Us

Police and Dispatch Services
Downtown Campus
Location: GB 2110
Phone: 517-483-1800
West Campus
Location: N181
Phone: 517-483-1500