Lansing Community College provides critical support to entrepreneurs at any stage of development. From established businesses to startup ventures to the innovators and business leaders of tomorrow, LCC has a multitude of programs and offerings to assist. We support entrepreneurship through training workshops and competitions designed for the business innovators and leaders of tomorrow.

Training at LCC's Center for Manufacturing Excellence can open the door to employment anywhere!

The LCC Foundation annually awards in excess of $450,000 for more than 390 scholarships and aid to LCC students, and helps to fund college programs and improvements.

This memorial exhibit is interactive and honors all veterans, especially those from mid-Michigan.

Our external affairs and development division allows us to engage the community and the ever changing and improving world of higher education.
Conference Services

Lansing Community College Conference Services offers a fresh and unique alternative to the traditional venue. From first-class meeting facilities and on-site catering to personalized event planning and commendable service standards your satisfaction becomes our priority.
Community Ed & Workforce Development

Phone: (517) 483-1338
West Campus
Room M105
5708 Cornerstone Dr
Lansing, MI 48917