Lansing Community College

Our programs teach businesses and organizations to operate more efficiently and lead to sustainable profits through business innovation and company synergy. We help your business navigate through common business issues into streamlined, efficient operations.

Website Effectiveness

Creating and maintaining an effective website is essential to doing business in today's fast-paced economy. The following are some of the many programs BCI has developed as recommended solutions to meet the specific needs of our clients.

a website effectiveness meeting with the speaker holding up a poster of possible designs for an element

Providing Website Effectiveness training in the following key areas:

  • Graphic User Interface
  • Integrated Performance Support
  • Smart Apps and Stealth Internet Commerce


We are continuously adding training programs. If you do not see what you need, please ask. Training can be customized to meet your company's needs.

Quality Systems

BCI can help organizations promote a workplace where leaders and frontline employees are committed to increasing productivity, improving product and service quality, and building a high-performance workplace.

Six Sigma

Six Sigma seeks to improve the quality of process outputs by identifying and removing the causes of defects (errors) and minimizing variability in manufacturing and business processes.

Strategic Planning

Boosting Your Return on Investment

In our constantly changing business landscape, optimizing your effectiveness while delivering a measurable return on investment is critical in today's world economy. Understanding the link between your Human Resources services and your bottom line is key to continuous improvement. We will assess your current program and design a select portfolio designed to meet your industry-specific Human Resources requirements.

a woman giving a speech from behind a podium while receiving applause from those on-stage


  • Succession Planning
  • Strategic Planning
  • Executive Coaching
  • Employee Engagement
  • Public Speaking
  • Excelling as a Manager or Supervisor
a man and woman shaking hands over a conference room table

Company Growth

  • Recruitment and interviewing
  • On-boarding and Orientation
  • Compensation Strategy
  • Change Management
  • Grant Development
two men discussing business over a classy wood table with papers and a laptop on it

Employee Development

  • Employee Performance Management
  • Training and Professional Development
  • Team Building
  • Neutral Facilitation/Problem Solving
  • Wellness Programs
a man presenting various data through graphs and charts while a small audience listens intently

Risk Management

  • HR Audits
  • Terminations
  • Benefits Audit
  • Employee Handbooks and Policies
  • Mediation
an exterior shot of west campus at dusk

LCC Business and Community Institute

Phone: 517-483-1857

West Campus
Room M105
5708 Cornerstone Dr
Lansing, MI 48917

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