There are a lot of moving parts to running a successful Star Standard event and the actual physical space your event is held in is a huge part of that success. This section takes you through the steps for selecting the right location for your event and provides information on different layouts to arrange the space to best suit your needs. This section also covers how to reserve spaces for internal events and work with both Conference Services and Facilities.
Event Space Set-Up
Now that you have confirmed your event date and location, it's time to think about how the space is actually going to look and function. Conference Services will work with the internal event planner to gather all information necessary, which should include diagrams, when possible, to determine the set-up needs for the event.
A few things to know:
- All set up logistics are due to Conference Services two weeks prior to the event.
- Once the needs are determined, Conference Services will complete all necessary 5Star requests.
- The internal event planner will monitor the registration information. If the registration doesn't match the size of the room, the internal event planner should communicate with Conference Services so that a new location can be found that better meets the needs of the event.
- Some minor changes can be made once the 5Star request(s) are complete. Event set-up request changes made with less than 72 hours notice cannot be guaranteed.
- The internal event planner can access the event space one hour before the event start time unless Conference Services is notified at least two weeks in advance that the space is needed sooner, due to an AV run through (for example).
- Classroom event spaces revolve around classroom schedules and availability.
IMPORTANT: Day of set up changes are not permitted as sufficient labor to make such changes may not be onsite before or during the event.
Other Important Information:
Discounted use of facilities
LCC does not offer discounts to current or past employees, students, alumni or current or past Board of Trustee members on room rental, food and beverage or any other service at personal events held at an LCC location.
- Use of the space for free or discounted rates for personal use by any of the groups above will be reported to Human Resources for theft of service.
Cancellation information
Event space cancellations require a minimum of 14 business days notice. Cancellation fees may apply if the event is canceled with less than a 14 business day notice.
The Facilities Department is responsible for cleaning, trash removal, additional trash cans, floor mats, special electrical, sprinklers, heat and AC, etc. at LCC. They play a vital role in the success of events and planning ahead with your Conference Services Coordinator helps to ensure seamless efficiency.
Here's how it works at LCC:
- Conference Services will work with the internal event planner to determine the facilities needs for the event. The internal event planner does not work with facilities directly.
- Once the needs are determined, Conference Services completes the facilities 5Star request.
- All facilities needs are due to Conference Services two weeks prior to the event.
IMPORTANT: Facilities Department changes made with less than 72 hours notice cannot be guaranteed.
Facilities Contact Information for Major Spills During Events
- During business hours call x1808 and after hours call x1800.
Facilities requests for non-event caterings
Let's say you're having a meeting and you're providing food for all of the attendees but it isn't in an event space so you didn't have to use one of the approved catering vendors. Here's how that works:
- The internal event planner must submit a facilities request for cleanup and trash removal through a 5Star custodial request no less than one week prior to the catering.
- The internal event planner must also pick up all items brought into the meeting including handouts, leftover catering, trash on the tables, etc.
Why is this important?
- LCC's contracted cleaning company is not responsible for cleaning up food or items leftover on tables.
- We always want our campuses to be presented professionally.
Internal Events
If you're having an internal event, (See External vs. Internal Events) there is no room rental fee.
Here's what's included for internal events:
- Standard linens (additional rates apply for special order colors or sizes)
- Digital and printed directional and event signage
- Dedicated event wifi
Here's what's not included:
- Non-standard linens (can be purchased through Conference Services for additional charges)
- Additional printed materials or signage (non-directional) for events such as roll up banners, mailings, programs, etc.
- Centerpieces and decorations
LCC Police Department & Your Events
Star cards are now required to access all LCC building. Having an event with community members without star cards? No problem! Conference Services works with LCCPD to have certain doors unlocked for events. Please keep in mind that we do try to keep the number of doors unlocked and the times they are unlocked to a minimum for the safety of everyone on campus. Conference Services will determine the doors that need to be unlocked and communicate the doors and times to LCCPD.
Conference Services also make sure that LCCPD will not ticket events where people without parking passes attend.
LCCPD is also responsible for turning off fire alarms for events with popcorn poppers. The last thing we want to do is to evacuate your event while your attendees are having fun so if you will be using a popcorn machine at your event, please let Conference Services know.
BCI & CEWD Events
Events hosted by the Business & Community Institute (BCI) or Community Education & Workforce Development (CEWD) groups must pay room rental fees and associated costs for all event spaces except for their dedicated conference rooms at West Campus when booking spaces for clients.
IMPORTANT NOTE: No room rental applies if the event spaces are being used for internal events like facility and staff training.
Providing Accommodations
The Center for Student Access coordinates some accommodations for events as requested.
Using an ASL Interpreter vs. Using Captioning
- Sign language interpreters are typically useful in situations where there will be an attendee who is fluent in American Sign Language (ASL). Typically this is a person who was either born Deaf or became Deaf early in life, and thus learned ASL as their primary language in school (although there are exceptions). Often these people are “big D Deaf” which means that they identify with Deaf Culture and use ASL is their primary language. ASL is different enough from standard English that it is typically easier for Deaf people to understand and interact in situations with a sign language interpreter rather than relying on captions. Captions can still be helpful if there is any video content, as it allows the attendee to focus on the video itself, rather than diverting their attention between the video and the interpreter.
- Captioning is useful in a few different situations. As mentioned above, it can be helpful in the event that there is video content and can provide access to people with a variety of disabilities. These include people who are hard of hearing or “little d deaf” (those who have limited hearing but do not identify with Deaf culture and are not fluent in ASL), those with audio processing difficulties, or even people who just learn better by reading than hearing. Autocaptioning is a useful tool absent any specific needs of attendees, but it is not fully accurate. If an attendee needs captioning to be able to fully participate, then those captions should be as close to 100% accurate as possible. This is where a live captionist would be appropriate.
There are situations in which both an interpreter and a captionist would be appropriate and others where one or the other would be a better choice. The Center for Student Access can help determine these situations.
The requested accommodations section on an RSVP is a good way to determine whether a sign language interpreter, captionist, or both are necessary for those attending the event. People with disabilities themselves are the best source of information regarding what works best and what will allow them to fully participate in an event. Event organizers who want to provide these services because they anticipate a need or simply want to be more inclusive are certainly welcome to do so.
LCC has staff interpreters. If staff interpreters are not available for an assignment, we will schedule interpreters through an external vendor.
Please note that captionists are scheduled through an external vendor.
American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreters
ASL interpreters are required for internal events for accessibility including graduations, some hybrid events, and events with a known need for an ASL interpreter.
As of February 2023, cost starts at $48/hour with a two-hour minimum for each interpreter. Sign language interpreters work in a team of two. As an example, a two-hour event would be at least $192.
A few notes on the Interpreter Process:
- Interpreters must have at least 24 hours notice of cancellation or there will still be a charge.
- For events using registration, it is required to ask about accommodations on the RSVP form that marketing creates for the event.
- Conference Services reviews accommodation requests with the internal event planner and determines what accommodations should be requested.
- If there is a request or a known need for sign language interpreters, Conference Services
will submit the request to The Center for Student Access.
- The request must be made within two weeks of the event date, however more than two weeks notice would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the required information that will be needed to submit the request:
- Name of the event
- Contact person
- Start time
- End time
- Location (in person, hybrid, virtual only)
- If there is a known need or if the request is for general accessibility
- If the event will be livestreamed and/or recorded
- The FOAPAL that will be charged
- Prep materials are required within 1 week of the event
If there is no known need, Conference Services requests WebEx autocaptioning for in person events with livestreaming and hybrid events with video conferencing in case someone with a need for an interpreter participates in the event without noting the need for an accommodation.
Captioning provides typed on-screen subtitles live for events. It is required for hybrid or virtual internal events with a known need of captioning.
As of February 2023, cost starts at $79/hour. Vendors often want to schedule 30 minutes prior to the event to ensure everything is working properly.
A few notes about the captioning process:
- Captionists must have at least 48 hours notice of cancellation or there will still be a charge.
- For larger events (like graduations) interested in captioning, reach out to your Conference Services Coordinator to discuss options.
- Similar to the interpreter process, the internal event planner is required to ask about accommodations on the RSVP form that marketing creates for their event, if needed.
- Conference Services reviews the accommodations requests with the internal event planner and determines what accommodations should be requested. The request must be made within two weeks of the event date, however more than two weeks notice would be greatly appreciated.
- If there is a request or a known need for captioning, Conference Services will submit the request to The Center for Student Access.
The request in required to include:
- Name of the event
- Contact person for technical issues during the event
- Start time
- End time
- Audio connection (call-in number, web platform link, etc.)
- Streaming link
- If there is a known need or if the request is for general accessibility
- If the event will be livestream and/or recorded
- The FOAPAL that will be charged
- Prep materials are required within 1 week of the event
Our Facilities
From professional training sessions to holiday office parties, LCC has a space for any occasion at two convenient locations. Conference centers are located in the heart of Lansing at the Downtown Campus and in Delta Township at the West campus. Both offer free parking, catering and AV services, and stunning facilities.
Meet the Conference Services Team
Kelly Hekler, CMP, CTA
Conference Services Manager
Samantha Bite, CTA
Conference Services Coordinator,
Downtown Campus
Erin Biel
Conference Services Coordinator,
West Campus