The Learning Commons is a space located alongside the Library where students can get tutoring and help with research and technology. Stop by to use a computer, check out the technology lab or join a study group. Many items are available for checkout including books, study rooms, laptops, calculators, scientific models, and other technology. In-person and online assistance is available.
- Professional Tutors are available to assist students for most LCC courses.
- Tutoring appointments are on a first-come first serve basis.
- Most tutoring appointments are processed and scheduled immediately.
- Submissions after-hours, nights & weekends, take up to 48 hours to process.
- Tutoring Appointment Confirmation
- Look for an email from
- Check your preferred email, LCC student email, and email in LCC D2L.
- Appointment details and a link to access your WebEx tutoring session.
- Please confirm your tutoring appointment by replying to the email.
- Cancel or Reschedule? Email us at
- LCC Professional Tutors may be available for pre-scheduled after-hours appointments. Let us know how we can help.
- Need immediate assistance? Go to: Brainfuse
LCC Students must be signed into myLCC for access
Academic Support & Resources
Downtown Campus Location
Location: Technology and Learning Center 1st and 2nd Floor
Phone: 517-483-1206
Services include:
- Study Spaces
- Tutoring
- Quick-Print Stations
- Software Applications
- Textbooks
- Laptops
- Calculators
- Chemistry models
- Anatomy models
- Microscopes & Slides
West Campus Location
West Campus Technology & Learning Center
Location: West Campus, Room M123
Phone: 517-483-1346
West Campus Technology & Learning Center Current Hours
Monday: 11 am - 6 pm
Tuesday: 11 am - 6 pm
Wednesday: 11 am - 6 pm
Thursday: 11 am - 6 pm
Closed Friday, Saturday, & Sunday
Services include:
- Textbooks and course materials on reserve for West Campus classes
- Quiet study area
- Windows Computers and a Mini Mac
- Printer and Photocopier
- Drafting table
- Help with LCC Library Resources: Catalog, Research Databases, Research Guides
Other Resources
Library and Learning Commons

Downtown Campus
Technology & Learning Center (TLC)
400 N. Capitol Ave.
Lansing, MI 48933
A StarCard is required to enter the TLC building.
TLC Interactive Map
Campus Map
Library Website Feedback
Contact the Library
TLC Building - 2nd & 3rd Floor
Contact the Learning Commons
TLC Building - 1st and 2nd Floor