The West Campus Technology and Learning Center provides tutoring, library, and technology resources to West Campus students. This space provides free tutoring, an open computer lab, copying and printing, and semester long laptop checkout.
Textbooks and course materials are on reserve for many West Campus classes. Reserves can be used by students and faculty in the West Campus Technology and Learning Center.
Request a Tutoring Appointment
- Professional Tutors are available to assist students for most West Campus courses.
- Tutoring appointments are on a first come, first served basis.
- Most tutoring appointments are processed and scheduled immediately.
- Submissions after-hours, nights & weekends, take up to 48 hours to process.
After you request an appointment, you will receive a confirmation from in your preferred email (LCC student email or D2L). The message will include appointment details and a link to a WebEx session if applicable. Please reply to the email to confirm your appointment.
Need to cancel or reschedule? Email us at or call us at 517-483-1206
Library Resources
Technical Careers Library Guides - Access library resources for technical careers such as e-books, local and international codes and standards, streaming video, databases, and research help.
- General Technology Support
- Printing and Copying
- Document Scanning
- Laptop Checkout
- Desktop Computers
The West Campus Technology and Learning Center has a limited collection of laptops available for student checkout (not available to alumni). These machines contain commonly used software such as Microsoft Office and popular internet browsers.
- Lending period is one semester.
- Checks out with power supply and bag.
- For technical problems please contact the Help Desk at or 517-483-5221 or exchange the laptop (if possible) by visiting the West Campus Technology and Learning Center.
- If you have a hold on your account related to laptops, call the Library Technology Lending Specialist at 517-483-1641.
open computer lab software
The software below is installed on the computers in the West Campus Technology and Learning Center.
- Alaris Training Manuals
- Autodesk
- Bentley Products
- Clinical Experiences
- ColloborateMD
- Derive For Windows
- Diet Analysis+ 9.0
- FishWin
- Logger Pro
- MasterCam2017
- Mathematica
- MathType 6.7a
- MatLab
- MySQL Workbench
- NetBeans
- NotePad ++
- Packet Tracer
- Python
- QBasic 64
- Robot
- RSI Programs
- Siemens NX 12
- SketchPad (GSP5)
- SketchUp
- Solid Edge
- Solid Works 2013
- SQL Server 2008
- Ti Connect-Smart view
- Visual Studio 2012
- Visual Studio 2015 with Update 3
- VM Workstation
- Wing IDE
- WinPlot
- Wire Shark
Today's Hours
West Campus TLC | Closed |
Room M123
LCC West Campus
5708 Cornerstone Dr.
Lansing, MI 48917
Textbooks and Tutoring
Technology Checkout
Space Information