An Information Security Incident is a violation or imminent threat of violation of computer security policies, acceptable use policies, or standard computer security practices. Information Security department assistance can also be requested to provide consultation or facilitation of security related issues.
To report an incident, please contact the LCC Help Desk (, 517-483-5221) or LCC Information Security (, 517-483-5264).
Incidents and assistance requests include, but are not limited to:
- Suspicious email reviews -- please attach the email in question to a new email, instead of simply forwarding the email. This preserves the important email header information for our LCC investigation team.
- Malicious email reviews -- such as illegal, abusive, disruptive, in violation of LCC policy, or ask for your network credentials, credit card or bank information
- If a user responded to a phish email accidentally, or provided their network credentials to anyone
- If you are on the LCC network and receive a website blocked message
- If you cannot access LCC resources from foreign countries
- Suspicious behavior such as antivirus alerts, browser pop-ups or random unwanted sites, passwords that no longer work, friends saying they’ve received odd emails from you, or other suspicious activities.
- Stolen/Lost College owned laptops or any mobile device that may contain regulated or sensitive data
- Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) violations
- Account Compromises
- Attempts (either failed or successful) to gain unauthorized access to a system or its data
- Unwanted disruption or denial of service
- Unauthorized use of a system for processing or storing data
- Changes to system hardware, firmware, or software characteristics without the owner's knowledge, instruction or consent
Additionally, LCC actively monitors network and system activity so we can identify and respond to an incident.
Please request assistance or report any potential information security problems immediately, as timely reporting allows the LCC Information Security team to determine if further investigation is necessary, and limits any further damage or loss of data. Provide as much detailed information as possible without holding up the incident report.
To report an incident, please contact the LCC Help Desk (, 517-483-5221) or LCC Information Security (, 517-483-5264).

Contact Us
Information Security
Technology and Learning Center, Room 421J
Phone: 517-483-5264
Fax: 517-483-1758