What's Changing?
Federal Student Aid (FSA) is changing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to make applying for financial aid easier. This new, shorter FAFSA is now open to complete! The 2024-2025 FAFSA will provide aid for the 2024-2025 school year.
Some of the major changes to the 2024-2025 FAFSA are as follows:
- The FAFSA is shorter and more user-friendly. The number of questions have been reduced from 108 to 46.
- EFC (Expected Family Contribution) is replaced with SAI (Student Aid Index). The SAI may be a negative number.
- Another new term, contributor(s) is anyone required to provide information on a student's FAFSA such as a parent/step-parent or spouse. Contributors will be determined by the student's or parent's answers on the FAFSA. The student will send an invitation to the contributor via email to provide their consent and information on the student's FAFSA.
- Previously, there was an option to utilize the IRS Data Retrieval Tool or enter tax information manually. Applicants and contributors will now be required to use the IRS Direct Data Exchange. Consent to access contributor tax information must be provided or the student's FAFSA will be incomplete and they will be ineligible for Federal student aid.
- For students with divorced or separated parents, how to determine which parent's information to use on the FAFSA has changed. Students must now use the parent who provided the most financial support in the 12 months leading up to the filing of the FAFSA.
- The number of people in the household who are in college, although collected on the FAFSA, will not be used to determine the SAI.
- The value of Family Farms and Small Businesses must now be reported as assets.
Next Steps!
- Creating A Federal Student Aid Account Username and Password (FSA ID): If a student didn't submit a FAFSA form for the previous academic year (2023–2024), it's still crucial to create a Federal Student Aid Username and Password at StudentAid.gov. Both the student and, if applicable, the spouse of independent students or parents/step-parents of dependent students will need to create their respective accounts.
- Using the Student Aid Estimator: Utilize the Student Aid Estimator tool to estimate the eligibility for financial aid for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. This tool provides an estimate based on the provided information and helps in planning for educational expenses.
- FAFSA Submission Date: Visit StudentAid.gov to complete and submit the 2024-2025 FAFSA. This is the official application for federal student aid, and submitting it in a timely manner is important to qualify for various types of financial aid.
- Get Informed: Take advantage of the videos and FAQs below to deepen your understanding of the latest updates and changes in the FAFSA application process.
College Access Professionals
FAFSA Simplification Fact Sheet
5 Things College Access Professionals Should Know
National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) Brief for Campus Partners
Informative Videos about the 2024-2025 FAFSA
2024-2025 FAFSA Changes FAQ
What semesters are covered by my 2024-25 FAFSA?
Fall 2024, Spring 2025, and Summer 2025.
Is a contributor required to have an FSA ID?
Yes, all contributors must have an FSA ID.
My parents are divorced or separated. Which parent is a contributor for my FAFSA?
The parent who provides the most financial support to the student should be the contributor on the FAFSA.
Do the invitations to contributors to provide federal tax information and consent expire?
Yes. Invitations to be a contributor will be deleted when they have been inactive for 45 days. Any previously entered information will be deleted and the process will need to start over.
When will my 2024-2025 FAFSA be processed?
Federal Student Aid will begin processing FAFSAs by the end of January 2024. Please note: after filing out your initial application you may not be able to make any corrections until FSA has processed your FAFSA.
When will LCC receive my 2024-2025 FAFSA?
LCC is receiving 2024-2025 FAFSAs.
What tax year information will the IRS Direct Data Exchange use?
The 2024-2025 FAFSA uses income and tax information from the 2022 tax year.
When will I receive my award offer for the 2024-2025 School Year?
Award Offers are anticipated to begin in early June of 2024. Students will be notified of award offers via LCC Student Email.
I have additional questions about the 2024-2025 FAFSA, how can I get help?
- Visit the FAFSA Help Center online
- Call The Federal Student Aid Information Center (FSAIC) at 1-833-932-3439.
- Call or email LCC's Financial Aid Office at 517-483-1200 option 1 , Financialaid@star.lcc.edu
- Visit the StarZone on LCC Main Campus
The StarZone is home to many student service departments such as admissions, academic advising, financial aid, student finance, testing and more! Visit the Enrollment Support Specialists in the StarZone for help with admissions, class registration, general financial aid questions and more.

Phone: 517-483-1200
Toll Free: 800-644-4522
Fax: 517-483-9668
Downtown Campus
Gannon Building
411 N. Grand Ave
Lansing, MI 48933
Other Contacts
Registrar's Office
Phone: 517-483-1200 option 2
Email: registrar@lcc.edu
Online Chat
Financial Aid
Phone: 517-483-1200 option 1
Email: financialaid@lcc.edu
Academic Advising
Phone: 517-483-1200 option 4
Email: eadvising@lcc.edu
Testing Services
Phone: 517-267-5500
Email: lcc-testing-services@lcc.edu