The Martin Luther King Jr. Equity Center (MLKEC) fosters an environment where all individuals feel valued and respected, every voice is heard and their different perspectives are considered when making decisions. We offer services for both internal and external communities.
We offer the following services:
“Let’s Talk - Voices Unveiled”
We facilitate discussions, affinity group conversations, surveys and one on ones to gather information and focus on the changes you need to feel included, like you belong and that you have the same opportunities as others. We will discuss what matters to you including any barriers, concerns, proposed solutions, etc.

“Listening Space”
Sometimes you are not seeking any specific action or advice and you just need a listening ear to sort out your feelings about equity issues. You talk, we listen. You matter and we value you. You are not alone.

Advisory and Advocacy Support
We advocate for systemic changes to promote equity for all students, staff and faculty. In addition, we work closely with risk management, legal and human resources to provide confidential support, resources and guidance to individuals facing discrimination, harassment, or bias.

Resource Center
We provide information to access resources on equity, diversity, inclusion and social justice topics related to Lansing Community College.

Consultation and Collaboration
We work with various departments and areas to offer expertise on diversity and inclusion initiatives, and to integrate equity practices into operations, policies and culture.

Policy Review and Development
We assist with the review and development of policies, practices and procedures that promote equity and fairness.

Quantitative and Qualitative Data
We work with students, faculty, staff and college departments to gather both quantitative and qualitative data to help drive decisions that improve your experience. While numbers can be very powerful when quantifying a result, the hidden reasons behind those numbers carry the real story and present the best path to a more equitable environment.

Contact Us
Martin Luther King Jr. Equity Center
A&S Building, Room 1313
Phone: 517-483-9804