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24-25 College Catalog Table of Contents
24-25 General Information
Student rules, requirements, procedures, academic calendars, student resources, and information on LCC departments and locations.
24-25 Program Pathways
To view all program pathways, go to the Degree and Certificate Program Pathways webpage.
24-25 Tuition & Course Fee Information
The tuition and course fees are listed by course. Tuition and Fees are subject to change by action of the LCC Board of Trustees.
24-25 Course Descriptions
All active courses are listed with the description and any applicable prerequisites, placement scores, corequisites, and course notes. Specific section information can be found in the Banner system.
Course Offering Formats
Course offerings fit into six types.
- In-Person/Face-to-Face: Traditional courses with all instruction delivered in-person in the classroom, clinical, or worksite.
- HYF - Hyflex: Students have the flexibility to choose how they will participate for each class session: in-person, online during the meeting time, or online asynchronously.
- ON - Online: Traditional, asynchronous, online courses.
- ORT - Partial Scheduled Lecture: Online real time (ORT)/live online courses with some regularly scheduled online meeting day(s) and times.
- ORT - Full Scheduled Lecture: Online real time (ORT)/live online courses where all instruction is delivered online during designated meeting day(s) and times.
- OH - Online Hybrid: Required in-person instruction with online coursework and activities.
How to Read Course Offerings
To assist you with registering for your classes, general course information and section specific information are described below.
The area of study. For example, Humanities, and the subject code is HUMS.
Course Number
The number assigned to the course.
Course CODE
The combined subject code and course number that identifies the course. It will be four letters followed by three numbers. For example, HUMS 160 is the course number for Mythology.
Course Title
This identifies the course title. For example, Michigan History is the course title for HIST 220.
Course Fee
This is a fee specific to that course/section. Course fees support costs unique to the specific course, including supplies and materials, and specialized equipment and technology required for the course.
Prerequisite Course
The course(s) a student needs to take prior to enrolling in the course.
Placement Scores
The reading, writing or math level needed to enroll in the course.
The recommended course(s) a student should take before enrolling in the course.
Course Note
Offers additional information regarding the course/section.
The course section information includes the following:
Course Reference Number (CRN) is a five-digit number used to identify a specific section of a course.
Type refers to schedule type. The schedule type can be any of the following:
- Directed Studies
- Hyflex
- Lab
- Lab/Lecture
- Lab/Lecture/Worksite
- Independent Study
- Lecture
- Lecture/Worksite
- Online
- Online Real Time
- Online/Hybrid
- Worksite
CR/Bill Hrs
Cr/Bill Hrs are the Credit (Cr) and Billing (Bill) Hours for the course. A billing hour represents the amount of time that a student spends in direct contact with an instructor, in lab, or with laboratory equipment. It is the multiplier for determining tuition for the section.
Start/End Date
The start and end dates for the section. For sections with specific meeting days and times, the first meeting date is based on the day of the week scheduled.
These are the days the section is held. The legend for days is as follows:
- M = Monday
- T = Tuesday
- W = Wednesday
- R = Thursday
- F = Friday
- S = Saturday
- U = Sunday
These are times the section is held, either in person or virtually.
The location where the class meets. See the Key to Class Locations and Learning Centers for additional information.
The campus on which the class meets.
- AVN = Aviation Center
- E = LCC East
- LIV = Livingston Center
- M = Main - Downtown
- ON = Online
- OTH = Other
- WC = LCC West
The modality in which the course is offered.
- In-Person/Face-to-Face: Courses with all instruction delivered in-person in the classroom, clinical, or worksite. Look for sections with the Format “In-person/Face-to-Face”.
- HYF - Hyflex: Students have the flexibility to choose how they will participate for each class session: in-person or online during the class meeting time, or online asynchronously. Look for sections with the Format “HYF:Flex In-person or Online”.
- ON - Online: Asynchronous, online courses with no class meeting dates/times. Look for sections with the Format “ON: Online”
- ORT - Partial Schedule Lecture: Online real time (ORT)/live online courses with some regularly scheduled online meeting day(s) and times. Look for sections with the Format “ORT: Online Part Scheduled Time”.
- ORT - Full Scheduled Lecture: Online real time (ORT)/live online courses where all instruction is delivered online during designated meeting day(s) and times. Look for sections with the Format “ORT: Online at Scheduled Times”.
- OH - Online Hybrid: Required in-person instruction with online coursework and activities. Look for sections with the Format “OH: In-person and Online”.
Faculty member assigned to teach the section.
The general time of day the course meets either in person or virtually.
- Afternoon – section times begins after 11:00 a.m. and before 4:00 p.m.
- Arranged – section does not have specific meeting dates and times, such as online
- Evening – section times begin 4:00 p.m. or later
- Full Weekday – section meets for six hours or more Monday-Friday
- Morning – section begins before 11:00 a.m.
- Weekend – section begins 5:00 p.m. or later on Friday

Program Pathways
Explore our academic catalog and discover what program of study excites you. With hundreds of academic options, our associate degrees and certificates lead to lucrative, rewarding careers.
The StarZone is home to many student service departments such as admissions, academic advising, financial aid, student finance, testing and more! Visit the Enrollment Support Specialists in the StarZone for help with admissions, class registration, general financial aid questions and more.

Phone: 517-483-1200
Toll Free: 800-644-4522
Fax: 517-483-9668
Downtown Campus
Gannon Building
411 N. Grand Ave
Lansing, MI 48933
Other Contacts
Registrar's Office
Phone: 517-483-1200 option 2
Email: registrar@lcc.edu
Online Chat
Financial Aid
Phone: 517-483-1200 option 1
Email: financialaid@lcc.edu
Academic Advising
Phone: 517-483-1200 option 4
Email: eadvising@lcc.edu
Testing Services
Phone: 517-267-5500
Email: lcc-testing-services@lcc.edu