Lansing Community College

StarScapes registration now open!

StarScapes logo, showing an image of a head opening and symbols of thought like a music note and math equation tumbling out

The StarScapes student showcase is back this fall, and you’re asked to join in. The event highlights the imaginative, novel, innovative and interesting work produced by LCC students inside or outside class. 

Presentations can be either in-person, online or both! The in-person event will be held Nov. 29-30, and the online event is 24/7.

Please register your project by Nov. 17 by visiting

StarScapes provides an opportunity for students to share the exciting work they are doing with the LCC community.  Presentations might include creative and research work produced for LCC classes, but might also involve work developed through their own independent study and research. This is an opportunity to share research, capstone presentations, honor’s option projects, or other creative, imaginative or interesting work. Additionally, you can list StarScapes presentation on résumés and/or school entrance applications.

Presentation format options could include:

  • Posters
  • Demonstrations
  • Presentations
  • Performances
  • Readings
  • Electronic presentations
  • Other formats suitable to the work

For more information on StarScapes and to view a short video or peruse past StarScapes programs, visit Questions? Contact


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