Lansing Community College

This week's employer spotlight is with Ingham County AmeriCorps

We asked Casey Paskus, AmeriCorps VISTA Program Director, some questions about working for the company.

AmeriCorps Logo on a white background with a blue border.


What makes your company a great place to work?

AmeriCorps is a national service program where members give back to their communities, while getting paid. Our program is focused in Ingham County and the Greater Lansing area. It's a great way to figure out what you want to do after school in a supportive environment, to build your local network in nonprofits and government agencies, and to gain skills you will need to be competitive in the job market!

Our program also offers professional development training once a month, as well as funds for members to pursue their own professional growth. Members can also receive up to $6,800 in funds towards current or future school loans.

Our positions are flexible as well, as some are hybrid (remote and in person) and some offer credits for classes!

Describe the culture of your company.

Each member serves in the community at one of our nonprofit partners. Each of these organizations has been vetted and trained by staff to ensure members will have a great year with them!

In addition, we also host monthly professional development training and encourage members to use their service time to achieve personal and professional goals.

AmeriCorps members gain skills such as leadership, grant writing, community outreach, educating, gardening, program creation, and more.

What majors do you hire?

Anyone and everyone! What matters most is your passion for service and giving back to our community. We offer positions for a range of interests, from gardening to grant writing to youth programming.

What skills and/or experiences do you look for in candidates?

Some experience in a professional environment, ability to complete tasks in a timely manner, ability to take initiative and self-motivate, proficiency with Microsoft Outlook and Google Suite.

Do you offer internship programs?

Yes! Some of our part-time positions are setup to work as internships. Please contact Aysia at to learn more!

Do you have any open positions you would like to highlight?

Agriculture, Gardening, and Nutrition Intern (Paid Position) - Interns will serve as part-time AmeriCorps members at local nonprofit organizations. These paid positions will focus on maintaining community gardens and have opportunities to develop transferrable skills, professional networks, and knowledge of the public health sector.

ICHD Youth Empowerment AmeriCorps VISTA - Build programs and systems for the Peace and Prosperity Youth Action Movement (PPM) within One Love Global, to create a path for young people of color to learn about organizing and creating change. Recruit members, plan events, create curriculum. Research funding avenues for program sustainability.

ICHD Health Equity AmeriCorps Member - The VISTA member will work with the Health Equity Council in Ingham County to coordinate meetings and oversee grant application and compliance. This includes: Coordinate Health Equity Council meetings; Provide local data to support grant implementation and ongoing evaluation; Explore funding and support grant writing and applications; communicate with public about goals and projects of the Health Equity Council.

ICHD Violence Prevention VISTA - The VISTA member will work with the Advance Peace Project in Ingham County to collect data on violence prevention outcomes and provide community outreach. This includes: Identify and promote grassroots engagement; Provide local data to support implementation and ongoing evaluation; Explore funding and support grant writing and applications.

What is one piece of career advice you would give lcc students?

You don't have to look for the perfect career as soon as you finish school; find a job with supportive coworkers and good leadership, and then you can figure out your passion!

How can students connect with you?

Reach out to State Program Director Aysia at, or VISTA Program Director Casey at with any questions!


Ingham County AmeriCorps will be at LCC’s Downtown Campus, Career Center – Gannon Building Room 2219, Wednesday, February 15 from 11am – 1pm.

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