The Child Care grant assists with child care costs while eligible parent(s) or legal guardian(s) attend LCC. Child care providers must be licensed. Income guidelines and other eligibility criteria apply.
The Child Care Grant is designed to provide eligible custodial parents with child care funding assistance while the parent is attending Lansing Community College. The grants are based on the criteria listed below and provide partial payment of licensed child care services for the recipients.
Grants are dependent on the number of applications received and the availability of funds. Grant amounts are determined by the scholarship committee and the students approved courses. The child(ren) must be in licensed child care during the time the parent is in class in order to be eligible for assistance.
You may be eligible even if....
- you have a bachelor's or master's degree.
- you are not a US citizen.
- you do not live in district.
A recipient must be enrolled and attending class during the time that a child is in day care.
Students income and *FAFSA information will be used to make determinations for grant funding. You must satisfy all requests for verification to the Financial Aid Office in order for the Adult Resource Center to make a determination about your eligibility.
*International students do not need to file a FAFSA.
The members in the family who are claimed on the income tax return or children for
whom you have custody or joint custody are considered dependents. If married and living
in the same home, spouse should be counted as a dependent.
All applications must be completed and received by the Adult Resource Center on the
deadline date. All applications must have complete information about the child care facility and
the child care license number filled in. All incomplete applications will be determined
Finding a Provider:
If you need assistance in finding a provider, please call the Great Start to Quality at 877-614-7328 or visit their website before the deadline.
Award Type:
No funds will be given directly to recipients of the Child Care Grant. Checks will
be made out by Lansing Community College and sent directly to the approved day care
provider with recipient's name as the second endorser.
Application Deadline Dates
All applications for the Child Care Grant are to be submitted to the Adult Resource Center office. You are advised to turn in your application as soon as possible. DO NOT WAIT FOR THE FINAL DEADLINE. THOSE WHO APPLY FIRST MAY BE SERVED FIRST.
Deadline Dates:
- Refer to the ARC homepage for deadline dates
If the deadline falls on the weekend, applications will be accepted the following Monday until closing. Call 517-483-1924 for office hours since hours of operation may vary.
- Receipt of this grant for one semester does not guarantee its continuance in subsequent semesters and is dependent upon availability of funds.
- All applications must be completed and received by the Adult Resource Center by the deadline date. No exceptions will be made.
- All applications must have complete information about the child care provider, including the CHILD CARE LICENSE NUMBER. If you need assistance in finding a provider, visit the website of Greater Lansing for Kids at
- You must provide documentation if you are receiving childcare assistance (MDHHS/Head Start/GSRP). You must provide documentation of the rate you will be charged to have your child(ren) in care.
Limitations and Continuation of Grant
- All grants are made on a semester-by-semester basis. Eligibility does not guarantee a grant and is dependent on availability of funds and approval by the committee.
- A recipient must be enrolled and attending an LCC class during the time that a child, in child care, is supported by the grant.
- Students who fail to earn a 2.0 or higher in each course while receiving this grant may be ineligible or may receive a child care grant for a limited number of credits. Drops after the 100% refund time period, Withdrawals ("W"), Incompletes ("I"), and lack of a satisfactory completion rate may affect subsequent eligibility. No Repeat ("R") courses will be funded unless approved by a staff member.
- The grant funding must be used for child care at a licensed child-care home or child-care center.
- If you receive child care assistance from any other source such as DHS, city scholarships, etc., you must use those funds first. If you have unmet child care needs, the Adult Resource Program may be able to assist you if you meet all eligibility criteria for the Child Care Grant.
- This grant is designed to assist students in obtaining their educational/occupational goals. LCC courses taken toward a certificate or associate degree, job oriented courses, those taken for transfer, and other courses as approved are eligible for child care assistance.
- This grant is limited to 12 credits (6 credits in the Summer) unless the student's curriculum requires more. Fewer than 12 (or 6) credits may be taken.
Accounting and Administration Concepts
- No funds will be given directly to recipients of the Child Care Grants. Checks will be made out by Lansing Community College and sent directly to the approved child care provider.
- No monies may be given to the recipient by the child care provider unless money is owed back to the recipient who paid in advance..
Contact Us For More Information
If you have any questions about this grant, please contact the Adult Resource Program at 517-483-1199.
Drop off application to:
Adult Resource Center (ARC)
Gannon Building
Campus Resources
Mail application to:
Adult Resource Center
Lansing Community College
Star Zone Gannon Building 2nd Floor
411 North Grand Avenue
Lansing, MI 48933
Call to verify receipt
Fax applications to:
Adult Resource Center
Include your full name.
Call to verify receipt
More Contact Info
Adult Resource Center
Lansing Community College
Star Zone Gannon Building 2nd Floor
411 North Grand Avenue
Lansing, MI 48933
Fax: 517-483-9645
NOTICE: If you do not provide requested documentation we will not be able to make an award determination.