Applying to Adult Resource Center
Q. How often should I apply for your tuition and/or child care grants?
A. Your application for any of our grants is good for one academic year, beginning with Fall semester. An academic year is defined as Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. You only need to apply once every academic year just like with your FASFA.ian offices for the families of chronically ill children." - Nominated by Ronda Miller
Q. Which application should I submit?
A. If you are seeking assistance with tuition then submit the Special Populations Grant application. If you are seeking assistance with child care, submit the Child Care application. You may apply for both grants.
Q. How long does it take to process my application?
A. That depends on when you submitted your application and if you submitted all the documentation our office needs to determine your eligibility. Generally, our office starts reviewing new applicants a month before the upcoming deadline so we recommend that you contact our office, if you don't hear from us via mail, two weeks after the semester deadline date.
Q. Why do you require documentation every time I apply?
A. We require that students provide documentation of any form of childcare assistance being received. Since this benefit may change over the course of time, students are requested to provide updated documentation. Changes in income and family circumstances should also be communicated with the Adult Resource Center to ensure the most accurate determination of your award.
Q. Are there any exceptions to Adult Resource Program deadlines?
A. If you are having trouble fulfilling the application requirements, please contact the Adult Resource Center for guidance.
Q. My child is currently not in a day care. How do I find state licensed day care?
A. If you need assistance in finding a provider, visit the website of Great Start to Quality at
Q. What if my child care provider doesn't have a license number that is two letters followed by nine numbers?
A. The Child Care Grant is an LCC-funded grant and LCC's stipulation is that the provider must be state-licensed. If your child care provider doesn't have a license number that is two letters followed by nine numbers, then your child care provider isn't state licensed and will not be able to receive monies from our grant.
Q. Can I still get Adult Resource Program help if I am in default on a student loan?
A. Yes, but you still have to file a FASFA.
Q. I am living with my partner/boyfriend/girlfriend, who is supporting me and our child. Should I consider them my spouse and include their income information?
A. No. Because you are not legally married our office would consider their support to be that of a friend of family member, in which case, we would need a signed and dated letter from them that details the kind of support they are providing.
Eligibility for Adult Resource Center Grants
Q. How do I know if I am eligible?
A. You will receive an email after your application has been reviewed by our student support specialists.
Q. If I know that I am going to be denied the Pell Grant, why must I file a FASFA and receive an answer to be funded under the Adult Resource Center tuition grants?
A. It is a Federal requirement of the Adult Resource Center tuition grants that all other federal sources of financial aid be exhausted before Adult Resource Program can fund a student. We satisfy this requirement by having all our potential students file a FASFA.
Q. Will I still be eligible for the Child Care Grant if I am not eligible for either tuition grant?
A. You may be eligible for one grant and ineligible for another. Each grant has different eligibility criteria
Q. Why am I required to complete a career assessment? I already know what I want to do.
A. Adult Resource Center grants are for students who are pursuing a career-oriented program, the Federal government requires a career assessment from each applicant before Adult Resource Center can fund a student. This also allows our office to be sure that you are in tune with your specific career goals.
Q. What will make me ineligible for Adult Resource Center assistance?
A. Ineligibility varies from student to student but there are some key requirements that you should look out for. Reasons for ineligibility are not limited to the list below:
- Submitted an incomplete application
- Did not respond to requests for documentation or fulfill Verification requirements with the Financial Aid Office
- Submitted a Child Care grant application without the state license number (or with an ineligible number)
- Submitted an application past the priority application deadline
- Did not meet the income criteria
Approved and Funded ARC students
Q. I received an email that says I need a Course Approval Appointment (CAA). What is a CAA and why do I need to do it every semester?
A. A Course Approval Appointment or a CAA is a federal requirement that must be satisfied in order to receive funding from our office. At your CAA you meet with a Adult Resource Center student support specialist to talk about your upcoming semester and what the grant can do for you. You must have a CAA every semester to enable the staff to discuss your academic progress and approve your classes for the upcoming semester.
Q. What if I want to add a class that was not approved by the ARC?
A. If you take a class that isn’t approved, it is your responsibility to ensure the course is paid for in that semester.
Q. What if I drop a class that was approved by the ARC?
A. Your enrollment is monitored as a condition of this grant. If you drop courses, this may impact your balance, billing, and eligibility for ongoing assistance from the ARC. If you are considering dropping a course that’s been approved by the ARC, please contact our office for guidance.
Q. The classes I need for my program fill up fast but my Course Approval Appointment isn't scheduled for another few weeks. Can I sign up for classes before my CAA?
A. Yes, if you know which classes you need to reach your goal, register for them as soon as you can. Changes can be made to your schedule, if needed, after you have your CAA. If you are unsure of which classes to register for contact an Academic Advisor at 517-483-1200 option 4.