Lansing Community College

To demonstrate our support of LCC students within the LGBTQIA+ community, our staff, faculty, and students have created the Lansing Community College Commitments to Our LGBTQIA+ Students. These commitments were created to provide an added sense of belonging, support, and safety to students within this community. 

The LCC Commitments to Our LGBTQIA+ Students details resources, support, engagement opportunities, and spaces available to all students within the LGBTQIA+ community, whether publicly self-identified or not.

Lansing Community College Commitments to Our LGBTQIA+ Students

  1. Access to Affinity Spaces
    The College will provide an Affinity Space for students in the LGBTQIA+ community to engage with others with similar interests and goals within the Centre for Engaged Inclusion. Affinity Spaces are available to students on a drop-in basis and provide opportunities for connection, conversation, and authenticity.
  2. Pride at LCC LogoAcknowledgments & Celebrations
    The College will acknowledge and celebrate the various months and days that recognize the journey, struggles and triumphs of those in the LGBTQIA+ community. Those acknowledgments and celebrations include, but are not limited to, Pride Month (June), National Coming Out Day (October), LGBTQ+ History Month (October), and Trans Awareness Week (November).
  3. Chosen Name/Pronoun
    Under LCC’s Chosen Name and Chosen Pronoun initiative any student or employee of LCC may choose to identify by their Chosen or Preferred Name in addition to their Legal Name. Learn more about the process here.
  4. Gender Neutral Bathrooms
    The College will provide single-stall restrooms and a list of locations to ensure that there are safe and welcoming spaces for all to use. The list of single-stall, gender neutral restrooms on our campuses can be found here.
  5. Opportunities for Engagement & Connection by the College
    The College will provide ample opportunities for engagement and connection for students in the LGBTQIA+ community and their allies through the Office of Diversity and Inclusion and the development of a student support group.
  6. Opportunity to Self-Identify
    Annually in the Fall semester, the College will provide a student survey, through collaboration with the LCC Center for Data Science, to allow students to anonymously self-identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community. This survey assists the College with better understanding the student population within this community and scaling services and resources to be as impactful as possible.
  7. Reports and Complaints
    The College will ensure that all students are able to report incidents of harassment and/or discrimination. Learn more on the LCC Title IX page.
  8. Safe Zone Alliance LogoSafe Zones on Campus
    The College has established Safe Zones, both through physical space and real people, for LGBTQIA+ students and allies across campus. Safe Zones can be identified by stickers, affixed to offices, windows and doors around campus, in addition to email signature lines. A Safe Zone or a safe space is a confidential place where all people can bring their authentic selves and feel safe, welcome, and included. Safe Spaces on campus also include The Learning Commons, Success Lounge, TLC Library, and Student Life. Learn more here.
  9. Student Safety on Campus
    LCC is for everyone. Our goal is to ensure that students feel safe and welcome. In addition to a 24-hour Police Department, the College also operates by ‘See Something, Say Something, which requires mandatory reporters to report incidents that occur on or off-campus that cause harm to students.
  10. Student Support Group
    Students and allies of the LGBTQIA+ community have the right to develop and engage in an LCC Registered Student Organization (RSO) or Student Support Group/Club to foster connection with other students, organize activities and workshops, break down barriers and build community during their time at LCC. LCC RSOs must have a dedicated LCC employee as group advisor. Learn more about how to start or join an RSO or Club here 



Did You Know?

Approximately 1 million children in the U.S. are being raised by same-sex couples.

The state with the most gay couples is California, with approximately 92,138. The state with the least gay couples is North Dakota, with approximately 703 couples.

In 2013, 92% of adults who are LGBT said they believe society had become more accepting of them than in the past 10 years.

In July 2009, the Senate approved the Matthew Shepard Act, which outlaws hate crimes based on both sexual orientation and gender identity.

June 28, 1969 - Police raid the Stonewall Inn in New York City. Protests and demonstrations begin, and it later becomes known as the impetus for the gay civil rights movement in the United States.

1973 - Lambda Legal becomes the first legal organization established to fight for the equal rights of gays and lesbians. Lambda also becomes their own first client after being denied non-profit status; the New York Supreme Court eventually rules that Lambda Legal can exist as a non-profit.

1978 - Inspired by Harvey Milk to develop a symbol of pride and hope for the LGBT community, Gilbert Baker designs and stitches together the first rainbow flag.

May 17, 2004 - The first legal same-sex marriage in the United States takes place in Massachusetts.

September 20, 2011 - "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is repealed, ending a ban on gay men and lesbians from serving openly in the military.

One in five LGBT people have experienced a hate crime or incident because of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity in the last 12 months.
