Lansing Community College

If you have any feedback, complaints, appeals, or grievances, you can rest assured that there is a place on campus where you will be heard. Your starting point depends on the nature of your concern, as described below. If you are still unsure about where to go, contact the LCC Ombuds and we will guide you in the appropriate direction.

Suggestion Box

Calling all Stars! We value your input. How can we continue to enhance your LCC experience? Whether you have suggestions, comments, or complaints, we want to hear from you. Please share your thoughts with us here.

Please note that this option is designed to gather feedback only and does not supersede or replace appeal, complaint, misconduct, or grievance procedures already in place. 

Make a Suggestion


A complaint is any concern that LCC has violated a law or policy or has incorrectly applied an established process. Complaint forms submitted do not supersede or replace misconduct or grievance procedures already in place.

  1. First attempt to resolve matters with the instructor or staff person involved.
  2. If not resolved, contact the supervisor of the instructor or staff member involved to seek a resolution.
  3. If the issue remains unresolved, submit a Student Complaint form.


Academic Concerns

If you have a concern regarding your educational experience at LCC follow these steps.

  1. First attempt to resolve your concern with your instructor member.
  2. If not resolved, contact the program or department Director to seek a resolution.
  3. If the issue remains unresolved, submit a Student Complaint Form.


ADA Accommodation Concerns

Accommodation concerns can be submitted using the Disability Grievance Procedure.

Ethics (Harassment, Discrimination, etc.) Concerns

Student and employee concerns regarding:

  • sexual misconduct
  • harassment
  • sexual violence
  • discrimination

See the Title IX and Sexual Misconduct Resources webpage for details on how to submit a complaint.


Financial Aid Concerns

Students whose financial aid has been suspended due to not maintaining satisfactory academic progress can submit a Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Final Grade Appeal

A Final Grade Appeal should only be submitted when the student believes that the final course grade is incorrect.

Mistakes in calculations, computer errors, or assignment misunderstandings are resolved informally by contacting your instructor.

Final Grade Dispute Procedure.

Hardship Appeal

If you have experienced extenuating circumstances out of your control, such as an emergency or unexpected event, an Administrative Appeal may be submitted to request an exception to college policy regarding published deadlines or procedures.

Appeals must be supported with documented evidence, i.e. copies of emails, My Academic Pathways (MAPs), D2L communications, and proof of residency. Documentation is required for the appeal to be processed.

Administrative Appeal Procedure.

Records Concerns

If you believe your educational record is incorrect, please contact the Registrar's Office at 517-483-1200 or by email at for guidance.

Records Policy

Students who feel their rights under FERPA have been abridged may file complaints with the Family Policy and Regulations Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20202.

Student Behavior Concerns

To report an alleged violation of the Student Code of Conduct, including but not limited to:

  • disruptive behavior
  • theft
  • cheating
  • violation of college policy

Student Conduct Report

Safety Concerns

Criminal complaints can be sent to the LCC Police Department at 517-483-1800, by email at, or in person at the locations listed below:

  • Downtown Campus: 411 N. Grand Ave., Lansing, MI 48933
  • West Campus: 5708 Cornerstone Drive, Lansing, MI 48917

Available 24 hours a day.


If a unresolved complaint is a consumer protection issue, contact the State of Michigan Attorney General.

If a online distance education complaint cannot be resolved internally with LCC Student Complaint Form the Michigan State Portal Entity is designated to review complaints against institutions of higher education providing online distance education. If unresolved with Michigan State Portal Entity, students may file a complaint with the State Agency in your state.