Please note: This table contains equivalencies for credits that are transferrable into LCC from another college or university. Students transferring out of LCC should consult with the college or university they are transferring to for transfer equivalency information.
For general transfer information you may refer to the transfer agreements web page.
Course Code |
Course Title |
Units |
Course Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
ACC 201 |
Principles of Financial Acct |
3 |
ACCG 210 |
Principles of Accounting I |
3 |
ACC 202 |
Principles of Management Acct |
3 |
ACCG 211 |
Principles of Accounting II |
3 |
ACC 300 |
Intermediate Financial Acct I |
3 |
ACCG 220 |
Intermediate Accounting I |
3 |
ACC 301 |
Intermediate Financial Acct II |
3 |
ACCG 221 |
Intermediate Accounting II |
3 |
ACC 321 |
Accounting Information Systems |
3 |
ACCG 260 |
Accounting Systems |
3 |
ACC 331 |
Federal Income Tax Accounting |
3 |
ACCG 240 |
Federal Income Tax I |
3 |
ACC 341 |
Cost & Managerial Accounting |
3 |
ACCG 230 |
Cost Accounting |
3 |
ACC 411 |
Auditing |
3 |
ACCG 290 |
Auditing |
3 |
ADV 260 |
Principles of Public Relations |
4 |
MKTG 229 |
Public Relations |
3 |
ANP 101 |
Introduction to Anthropology |
3 |
ANTH 270 |
Cultural Anthropology |
3 |
ANP 201 |
Sociocultural Diversity |
3 |
ANTH 270 |
Cultural Anthropology |
3 |
ANP 340 |
Intro to Physical Anthropology |
4 |
ANTH 275 |
Biological Anthropology |
4 |
ANP 361 |
Paleolithic Archaeology |
3 |
ANTH 276 |
Introduction to Archaeology |
3 |
ANTR 350 + ANTR 355 |
Human Gross Anatomy for Pre-Health Profs + Human Gross Anatomy Lab |
1 |
BIOL 201 |
Human Anatomy |
4 |
ANTR 350 + KIN 217 |
Human Gross Anatomy for Pre-Health Profs + Applied Human Anatomy Lab |
1 |
BIOL 201 |
Human Anatomy |
4 |
ANTR 350 + ANTR 381 |
Human Gross Anatomy for Pre-Health Profs + Human Gross Anatomy Lab |
1 |
BIOL 201 |
Human Anatomy |
4 |
ASC 113 |
Oral Communication Principles & Skills |
3 |
COMM 120 |
Dynamics of Communication |
3 |
AST 201 |
Astrophysics & Astronomy I |
3 |
ASTR 201 |
Introductory Astronomy |
3 |
ATL 110 |
Writing: Science & Technology |
4 |
ENGL 121 |
Composition I |
4 |
ATL 115 |
Writing: Law & Justice in the US |
4 |
ENGL 121 |
Composition I |
4 |
ATL 120 |
Writing: American Philosophy, Literature, & the Arts |
4 |
ENGL 122 |
Composition II |
4 |
ATL 125 |
Writing: The American Ethnic & Racial Experience |
4 |
ENGL 121 |
Composition I |
4 |
ATL 130 |
Writing: American Radical Thoughts |
4 |
ENGL 121 |
Composition I |
4 |
ATL 135 |
Writing: Public Life in America |
4 |
ENGL 121 |
Composition I |
4 |
ATL 140 |
Writing: Women in America |
4 |
ENGL 121 |
Composition I |
4 |
ATL 145 |
Writing: Men in America |
4 |
ENGL 121 |
Composition I |
4 |
ATL 150 |
Writing: The Evolution of American Thought |
4 |
ENGL 121 |
Composition I |
4 |
BCH 200 |
Intro to Biochemistry |
4 |
CHEM 130 |
Biochemistry |
4 |
BMB 200 |
Intro to Biochemistry |
4 |
CHEM 130 |
Biochemistry |
4 |
BOT 105 + BOT 106 |
Plant Biology + Plant Biology Lab |
1 |
BIOL 260 |
Botany |
4 |
BOT 202 |
The Plant Kingdom |
3 |
BIOL 260 |
Botany |
3 |
BS 110 |
Organisms & Population |
4 |
BIOL 128 |
Organismal Biology |
4 |
BS 111 + BS 111L |
Cells & Molecules + Cell & Molecular Biology Lab |
2 |
BIOL 127 |
Cell Biology |
4 |
BS 148H + BS 158H |
Honors Organismal Biology + Honors Organismal Biology Lab |
2 |
BIOL 128 |
Organismal Biology |
4 |
BS 149H + BS 159H |
Honors Cell & Molecular Biology + Honors Cell & Molecular Biology Lab |
2 |
BIOL 127 |
Cell Biology |
4 |
BS 161 + BS 171 |
Cell and Molecular Biology + Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory |
2 |
BIOL 127 |
Cell Biology |
4 |
BS 162 + BS 172 |
Organismal and Population Biology + Organismal and Population Biology Laboratory |
2 |
BIOL 128 |
Organismal Biology |
4 |
BUS 250 |
Business Communication |
3 |
COMM 110 |
Oral Communication in the Workplace |
3 |
BUS 291 |
Introduction to Business |
3 |
BUSN 118 |
Introduction to Business |
3 |
CEM 141 |
General Chemistry |
4 |
CHEM 151 |
General Chemistry Lecture I |
4 |
CEM 142 |
General and Inorganic Chemistry |
3 |
CHEM 152 |
General Chemistry Lecture II |
3 |
CEM 143 |
Survey of Organic Chemistry |
3 |
CHEM 182 + CHEM 192 |
Introductory Organic Chemistry + Intro Organic Chem Lab |
1 |
CEM 151 |
General & Descriptive Chemistry |
4 |
CHEM 151 |
General Chemistry Lecture I |
4 |
CEM 152 |
Principles of Chemistry |
3 |
CHEM 152 |
General Chemistry Lecture II |
3 |
CEM 161 |
Chemistry Lab I |
1 |
CHEM 161 |
General Chemistry Lab I |
1 |
CEM 162 |
Chemistry Lab II |
1 |
CHEM 162 |
General Chemistry Lab II |
1 |
CEM 181H + CEM 185H |
Honors Chemistry I + Honors Chemistry Lab I |
2 |
CHEM 151 + CHEM 161 |
General Chemistry Lecture I + General Chemistry Lab I |
1 |
CEM 182H + CHEM 186H |
Honors Chemistry II + Honors Chemistry Lab II |
3 |
CHEM 152 + CHEM 162 |
General Chemistry Lecture II + General Chemistry Lab II |
1 |
CEM 251 |
Organic Chemistry I |
3 |
CHEM 251 |
Organic Chemistry Lecture I |
3 |
CEM 252 |
Organic Chemistry II |
3 |
CHEM 252 |
Organic Chemistry Lecture II |
3 |
CEM 255 |
Organic Chemistry Lab |
2 |
CHEM 272 |
Organic Chemistry Lab |
2 |
CEM 262 |
Quantitative Analysis |
3 |
CHEM 262 |
Quantitative Analysis |
2 |
CEM 351 |
Organic Chemistry I |
3 |
CHEM 251 |
Organic Chemistry Lecture I |
3 |
CEM 352 |
Organic Chemistry II |
3 |
CHEM 252 |
Organic Chemistry Lecture II |
3 |
CEM 355 |
Organic Chemistry Lab I |
2 |
CHEM 272 |
Organic Chemistry Lab |
2 |
CEM 356 |
Organic Chemistry Lab II |
2 |
CHEM 272 |
Organic Chemistry Lab |
2 |
CEP 261 |
Substance Abuse |
3 |
HUSE 112 |
Substance Abuse |
3 |
CEP 460 |
Communication Skill Training for the Helping Professional |
3 |
COMM 240 |
Interpersonal Communication |
3 |
CJ 110 |
Intro to Criminal Justice |
3 |
CJUS 101 |
Intro to Criminal Justice |
3 |
CJ 210 |
Intro to Forensic Science |
3 |
CJUS 204 |
Criminal Investigation |
3 |
CJ 220 |
Criminology |
3 |
CJUS 102 |
Crime Causes & Conditions |
3 |
CJ 235 |
Investigation Procedures |
3 |
CJUS 204 |
Criminal Investigation |
3 |
CJ 275 |
Criminal Procedure |
3 |
CJUS 203 |
Criminal Procedure |
3 |
CJ 292 |
Methods of Criminal Justice Research |
3 |
CJUS 106 |
Intro to Juvenile Justice |
3 |
CJ 335 |
Police Process |
3 |
CJUS 201 |
Criminal Justice Org/Admin |
3 |
CJ 355 |
Juvenile Justice Process |
3 |
CJUS 106 |
Intro to Juvenile Justice |
3 |
CJ 365 |
Corrections Process |
3 |
CJUS 131 |
Introduction to Corrections |
3 |
CJ 375 |
Criminal Law Process |
3 |
CJUS 103 |
Criminal Law |
3 |
CJ 432 |
Community Policing |
3 |
CJUS 205 |
Policing Into the 21st Century |
3 |
CJ 435 |
Investigation Procedures |
3 |
CJUS 204 |
Criminal Investigation |
3 |
CMP 124 |
Residential Construction Materials & Methods |
3 |
ARCH 113 |
Materials & Methods of Construction |
3 |
CMP 210 | Commercial Construction Methods | 3 | DCTM 200 | Construction Management | 3 |
CMP 211 | Building Codes | 3 | DCTM 103 | Codes & Specifications | 3 |
CMSE 201 + CMSE 202 |
Computational Modeling and Data Analysis I + Computational Modeling and Data Analysis II |
4 |
CPSC 230 |
Algorithms and Computing w/C++ |
4 |
COM 100 |
Human Communication |
3 |
COMM 120 |
Dynamics of Communication |
3 |
COM 225 |
Intro to Interpersonal Communication |
3 |
COMM 140 |
Interpersonal Communication |
3 |
CPS 100 |
Using Computers |
3 |
CITF 110 |
Intro to Computer Info Systems |
3 |
CSE 231 |
Intro to Programming I |
4 |
CPSC 230 |
Algorithms & Computing W/C++ |
4 |
CSE 232 |
Intro to Programming II |
4 |
CPSC 231 |
Computing & Data Structures |
4 |
CSE 260 |
Discrete Structures in Comp Science |
4 |
CPSC 260 |
Computer Science Structures |
4 |
EC 201 |
Intro to Microeconomics |
3 |
ECON 201 |
Principles of Economics-Micro |
3 |
EC 202 |
Intro to Macroeconomics |
3 |
ECON 202 |
Principles of Economics-Macro |
3 |
EC 301 |
Intermediate Microeconomics |
3 |
ECON 201 |
Principles of Economics-Micro |
3 |
EC 302 |
Intermediate Macroeconomics |
3 |
ECON 202 |
Principles of Econimics-Macro |
3 |
ENG 108 |
Children's Lit & Lit for Young Adults |
4 |
ENGL 208 |
Children's Literature |
4 |
ENG 153 |
Introduction to Women Authors |
4 |
ENGL 270 |
Literature by Women |
4 |
ENG 205 |
Topics in British Literatures |
3 |
ENGL 267 |
British Lit 1800 to Present |
3 |
ENG 206 |
Topics in Global Literatures |
3 |
ENGL 122 |
Writing: Literature & Ideas |
4 |
ENG 210 |
Intro to the Study of English |
3 |
ENGL 122 |
Writing: Literature & Ideas |
3 |
ENG 221 |
Introduction to Shakespeare |
3 |
ENGL 290 |
Shakespeare |
3 |
ENG 226 |
Intro to Creative Writing |
4 |
ENGL 261 |
Creative Writing I |
3 |
ENG 229 |
Intro to Poetry Writing |
4 |
ENGL 201 |
Introduction to Poetry |
4 |
ENG 230 |
Introduction to Film |
4 |
ENGL 240 |
The Film as Art |
4 |
ENG 231 |
Film and Literature |
4 |
ENGL 240 |
The Film as Art |
4 |
ENG 270 |
Intro to Film |
4 |
ENGL 240 |
The Film as Art |
4 |
ENG 310A |
Literature in English to 1660 |
4 |
ENGL 266 |
British Lit to 1800 |
4 |
ENG 310D |
Literature in English since 1900 |
4 |
ENGL 267 |
British Lit 1800 to Present |
4 |
ENG 312 |
Workshop in Professional Writing |
3 |
ENGL 264 |
Nonfiction Writing |
3 |
ENG 334 |
Screenwriting |
3 |
FILM 220 |
Screenwriting |
3 |
ENG 341 |
Introduction to Popular Culture |
3 |
ENGL 245 |
Popular Culture and Mass Media |
3 |
ENG 353 |
Women and Literature |
3 |
ENGL 270 |
Literature by Women |
3 |
ENG 421 |
Shakespeare |
3 |
ENGL 290 |
Shakespeare |
3 |
ENG 423 |
Advanced Creative Non-Fiction Writing |
3 |
ENGL 279 |
Prose Style |
3 |
FCE 145 |
Individual, Marriage & the Family |
3 |
SOCL 254 |
Marriage & Family |
3 |
FCE 211 |
Child Growth & Development |
3 |
CHDV 101 |
Child Growth & Development: 0-5 years |
3 |
FCE 225 |
Ecology of Lifespan Human Development |
3 |
PSYC 205 |
Human Growth & Development |
3 |
FCE 238 |
Personal Finance |
3 |
BUSN 250 |
Personal Finance |
3 |
FI 311 |
Financial Management |
3 |
ACCG 271 |
Principles of Finance |
3 |
FI 320 |
Introduction to Finance |
3 |
ACCG 271 |
Principles of Finance |
3 |
FRN 101 |
Elementary French I |
4 |
FREN 121 |
Elementary French I |
4 |
FRN 102 |
Elementary French II |
4 |
FREN 122 |
Elementary French II |
4 |
FRN 201 |
Second-Year French I |
4 |
FREN 201 |
Intermediate French I |
4 |
FRN 202 |
Second-Year French II |
4 |
FREN 202 |
Intermediate French II |
4 |
FSC 150 |
Intro to Human Nutrition |
3 |
PFHW 123 |
Human Nutrition |
3 |
GBL 323 |
Introduction to Business Law |
3 |
LEGL 215 |
Business Law I, Basic Principles |
3 |
GBL 395 |
Law, Public Policy & Business |
3 |
LEGL 215 |
Business Law I, Basic Principles |
3 |
GEO 113 |
Intro to Economic Geography |
3 |
GEOG 203 |
Economic Geography |
3 |
GEO 151 |
Cultural Geography |
3 |
GEOG 200 |
World Regional Geography |
3 |
GEO 203 |
Intro to Meteorology |
3 |
GEOG 220 |
Weather, Forecasting & Climate |
3 |
GEO 204 |
World Regional Geography |
3 |
GEOG 200 |
World Regional Geography |
3 |
GEO 206 |
Physical Geography |
3 |
GEOG 221 |
Physical Geography |
3 |
GEO 221 |
Intro to Geographic Information |
3 |
GEOG 120 |
Introduction to Geography |
3 |
GEO 230 |
Geography in the US & Canada |
3 |
GEOG 202 |
Geography of North America |
3 |
GLG 201 |
The Dynamic Earth |
4 |
GEOL 222 |
Historical Geology |
4 |
GRM 101 |
Elementary German I |
4 |
GRMN 121 |
Elementary German I |
4 |
GRM 102 |
Elementary German II |
4 |
GRMN 122 |
Elementary German II |
4 |
GRM 201 |
Second-Year German I |
4 |
GRMN 201 |
Intermediate German I |
4 |
GRM 202 |
Second-Year German II |
4 |
GRMN 202 |
Intermediate German II |
4 |
HA 120 |
Perspectives of World Art: What is Art? |
4 |
ARTH 211 |
Art History to the Renaissance |
4 |
HA 201 + HA 203 + HA 204 |
Ancient & Medieval Art + Renaissance & Baroque Art + Modern Art |
3 |
ARTH 211 |
Art History to the Renaissance |
4 |
HA 209 + HA 210 |
Ancient Art + Medieval Art |
3 |
ARTH 211 |
Art History to the Renaissance |
4 |
HA 230 + HA 240 |
Renaissance & Baroque Art + Modern Art |
3 |
ARTH 212 |
Art History from the Renaissance |
4 |
HDFS 145 |
The Individual, Couples and Families |
3 |
SOCL 254 |
Marriage and Family |
3 |
HDFS 225 |
Lifespan Human Development in the Family |
3 |
PSYC 205 |
Human Growth & Development |
3 |
HDFS 238 |
Personal Finance |
3 |
BUSN 250 |
Personal Finance |
3 |
HDFS 445 |
Human Sexuality |
3 |
PSYC 240 |
Psychology of Human Sexuality |
3 |
HM 101 |
Introduction to Public Health |
3 |
CHSE 100 |
Intro to Health Professions |
3 |
HNF 150 |
Intro to Human Nutrition |
3 |
PFHW 123 |
Human Nutrition |
3 |
HNF 260 |
Principles of Human Nutrition |
3 |
PFHW 123 |
Human Nutrition |
3 |
HNF 311 |
Principles of Human Nutrition |
3 |
PFHW 123 |
Human Nutrition |
3 |
HST 140 |
World History to 1500 |
4 |
HUMS 213 |
World Civilizations to 1600 |
4 |
HST 150 |
World History since 1500 |
4 |
HIST 216 |
World History since 1500 |
4 |
HST 201 |
Historical Methods and Skills |
3 |
HIST 210 |
Historical Methods and Skills |
3 |
HST 202 |
US History to 1876 |
4 |
HIST 211 |
US History to 1877 |
4 |
HST 203 |
US History since 1876 |
4 |
HIST 212 |
US History: 1877 to Present |
4 |
HST 210 |
Modern East Asia |
4 |
HIST 250 |
History of Modern Asia |
4 |
HST 213 |
US Business & Economic History |
3 |
ECON 213 |
US Economic & Business History |
3 |
HST 310 + HST 311 |
African American History to 1876 + African American History since 1876 |
3 |
HIST 150 |
African American History |
4 |
HST 320 |
History of Michigan |
3 |
HIST 220 |
Michigan History |
3 |
IAH 201 |
United States & the World |
4 |
HUMS 215 |
American Civilization |
4 |
IAH 204 |
Asia and the World (I) |
4 |
HIST 250 |
History of Modern Asia |
4 |
IAH 211A |
Area Studies & Multicultural Civilizations: Africa |
4 |
HIST 214 |
African History |
4 |
IAH 211B |
Are Studies & Multicultural Civilizations: Asia |
4 |
HIST 250 |
History of Modern Asia |
4 |
IAH 241D |
Theater and Society in the West |
3 |
THEA 110 |
Introduction to Theatre |
3 |
IDES 142 |
Design Theory Studio |
3 |
ARCH 111 |
Arch Design Fundamentals |
3 |
IDES 150 |
Interior Design Drafting |
3 |
ARCH 100 |
Intro to Architectural Drawing |
3 |
IDES 240 |
Computer-Aided Design for Designers |
3 |
ARCH 114 |
Arch Drawing/Basic AutoCAD |
3 |
IDES 252 |
Interior Design Synthesis I |
4 |
ARCH 110 |
Visual Communications I |
3 |
ISB 202 + ISB 202L |
Environmental & Organismal Biology + Insects, Globalization, and Sustainability Laboratory |
2 |
BIOL 120 |
Environmental Science |
4 |
ISB 202 + ISB 208L |
Environmental & Organismal Biology + Applications in Biological Sciences Lab |
2 |
BIOL 120 |
Environmental Science |
4 |
ISB 204 + ISB 204L |
Applications of Biomedical Sciences + Applications in Biological Sciences Lab |
2 |
BIOL 121 |
Biological Foundation for Physiology |
4 |
ISB 204 + ISB 208L |
Applications of Biomedical Sciences + Applications in Biological Science Laboratory |
2 |
BIOL 121 |
Biological Foundation for Physiology |
4 |
ISP 201 + ISP 201L |
Concepts of Reality thru Phys Science + Concepts of Reality thru Phys Sci Lab |
2 |
ISCI 131 |
Integrated Science Physical |
4 |
ISP 203 + ISP 203L |
Geology of Human Environment + Geology of Human Environment Lab |
2 |
GEOL 230 |
Environmental Geology |
4 |
ISP 203B |
Understanding Earth: Natural Hazards and the Environment |
3 |
GEOL 230 |
Environmental Geology |
3 |
ISP 205 + ISP 205L |
Visions of the Universe + Visions of the Universe Lab |
2 |
ASTR 201 |
Introductory Astronomy |
4 |
ISP 207 + ISP 207L |
World of Chemistry + World of Chemistry Lab |
2 |
CHEM 120 |
General Organic & Biological Chemistry |
4 |
ISP 209 + ISP 209L |
Mystery of the Physical World + Mystery of the Physical World Lab |
2 |
PHYS 120 |
The Art of Physics |
4 |
ISS 210 + ISS 215 |
Society & the Individual + Social Differentiation & Inequality |
4 |
SOCL 120 |
Intro to Sociology |
4 |
ISS 210 + ISS 315 |
Society & the Individual + Global Diversity & Interdependence |
4 |
SOCL 120 |
Intro to Sociology |
4 |
ISS 210 + ISS 325 |
Society & the Individual + War and Revolution |
4 |
SOCL 120 |
Intro to Sociology |
4 |
ISS 210 + ISS 335 |
Society & the Individual + National Diversity & Change: US |
4 |
SOCL 120 |
Intro to Sociology |
4 |
ISS 225 |
Power, Authority, and Exchange |
4 |
ECON 120 |
Power, Authority and Exchange |
4 |
ISS 330A |
Africa - Social Science Perspectives |
4 |
SOCL 185 |
Intro to African American Study |
3 |
ISS 330C |
Latin America - Social Science Perspectives |
4 |
HIST 240 |
Latin American History |
4 |
JPN 101 |
Elementary Japanese I |
5 |
JAPN 121 |
Elementary Japanese I |
4 |
JPN 102 |
Elementary Japanese II |
5 |
JAPN 122 |
Elementary Japanese II |
4 |
JPN 201 |
Second-Year Japanese I |
5 |
JAPN 201 |
Intermediate Japanese I |
4 |
JPN 202 |
Second-Year Japanese I |
5 |
JAPN 202 |
Intermediate Japanese II |
4 |
JRN 108 |
Introduction to Mass Media |
3 |
COMM 270 |
Mass Communication |
3 |
JRN 200 |
News Writing & Reporting I |
4 |
JRNL 151 |
Newswriting & Reporting |
3 |
JRN 305 |
News Editing |
3 |
JRNL 251 |
News Design and Layout |
3 |
KIN 103A |
Aerobic Exercise I |
1 |
PFFT 100 |
Total Fitness |
1 |
KIN 120 |
Personal Health |
3 |
PFHW 163 |
Healthy Lifestyles |
2 |
KIN 121 |
The Healthy Lifestyle |
3 |
PFHW 163 |
Healthy Lifestyles |
2 |
KIN 170 |
Foundations of Kinesiology |
2 |
PFKN 170 |
Foundations of Kinesiology |
2 |
KIN 173 |
Foundations of Kinesiology |
3 |
PFKN 170 |
Foundations of Kinesiology |
2 |
KIN 202 |
Aerobic Exercise Instruction |
3 |
PFKN 106 |
Group Fitness Instructor Prep |
3 |
KIN 216 + KIN 217 |
Applied Human Anatomy + Applied Human Anatomy Lab |
1 |
BIOL 201 |
Human Anatomy |
4 |
KIN 250 |
Measurement in Kinesiology |
3 |
PFKN 250 |
Measurements in Kinesiology |
3 |
KIN 260 |
Physical Growth & Motor Behavior |
3 |
PFKN 260 |
Growth & Motor Behavior |
3 |
KIN 310 |
Physiological Bases of Physical Activity |
3 |
PFKN 200 |
Exercise Physiology |
3 |
KIN 330 |
Biomechanics of Physical Activity |
3 |
PFKN 208 |
Biomechanics |
3 |
KIN 345 |
Sport and Exercise Psychology |
3 |
PFKN 205 |
Sport and Exercise Psychology |
3 |
KIN 360 |
Physical Growth and Motor Behavior |
3 |
PFKN 260 |
Growth and Motor Behavior |
3 |
KIN 411 |
Laboratory Experiences in Exercise Physiology |
2 |
PFKN 201 |
Exercise Physiology Lab |
1 |
KIN 465 |
Adapted Physical Activity |
3 |
PFKN 265 |
Exercise - Diverse Populations |
3 |
LA 200 |
Intro to Landscape Architecture |
3 |
LAND 150 |
Principles of Landscape Architecture |
3 |
LA 220 |
Graphic Communication |
4 |
LAND 152 |
Landscape Graphics Comm-Begin |
3 |
LBS 117 |
College Algebra & Trig |
3 |
MATH 120 |
College Algebra |
3 |
LBS 118 |
Calculus I |
5 |
MATH 151 |
Calculus I |
4 |
LBS 119 |
Calculus II |
4 |
MATH 152 |
Calculus II |
4 |
LBS 125 |
Intro to C Language w/Applications |
3 |
CPSC 230 |
Algorithms & Computing W/C++ |
3 |
LBS 133 |
Intro to Science & Tech Studies |
4 |
ENGL 121 |
Composition I |
4 |
LBS 144 |
Biology I: Organismal Biology |
4 |
BIOL 128 |
Organismal Biology |
4 |
LBS 145 |
Biology II: Cellular & Molecular Bio |
5 |
BIOL 127 |
Cell Biology |
4 |
LBS 148H + LBS 158H |
Honors Organismal Biology + Honors Organismal Biology Lab |
2 |
BIOL 128 |
Organismal Biology |
4 |
LBS 149H + LBS 159H |
Honors Cell & Molecular Biology + Honors Cell & Molecular Bio Lab |
2 |
BIOL 127 |
Cell Biology |
4 |
LBS 164 + LBS 164L |
Intro to Physics & Chemistry I + Introductory Physics Lab I |
1 |
PHYS 251 |
Physics I: Mechanics |
4 |
LBS 165 |
Intro to Chemistry & Physics I |
4 |
CHEM 151 |
General Chemistry Lecture I |
4 |
LBS 165L |
Introductory Chemistry Lab I |
1 |
CHEM 161 |
General Chemistry Lab I |
1 |
LBS 171 |
Principles of Chemistry I - Structure |
4 |
CHEM 151 |
General Chemistry Lecture I |
4 |
LBS 171L |
Introductory Chemistry Lab I |
1 |
CHEM 161 |
General Chemistry Lab I |
1 |
LBS 172 |
Principles of Chemistry II - Reactivity |
3 |
CHEM 152 |
General Chemistry Lecture II |
3 |
LBS 172L |
Principles of Chemistry II - Reactivity Lab |
1 |
CHEM 162 |
General Chemistry Lab II |
1 |
LBS 220 |
Calculus III |
5 |
MATH 253 |
Calculus III |
4 |
LBS 271 + LBS 271L |
Physics I + Physics Laboratory I |
1 |
PHYS 251 |
Physics I: Mechanics |
4 |
LIN 200 |
Introduction to Language |
3 |
LING 230 |
Introduction to Linguistics |
3 |
LIN 401 |
Introduction to Linguistics |
4 |
LING 230 |
Introduction to Linguistics |
3 |
MC 111 |
Identity & Comm/Approach to Writ I |
4 |
ENGL 121 |
Composition I |
4 |
MC 112 |
Identity & Comm/Approach to Writ II |
4 |
ENGL 122 |
Composition II |
4 |
MC 220 |
International Relations I |
4 |
POLS 270 |
International Relations |
3 |
MGT 302 |
Management & Organizational Behavior |
3 |
MGMT 228 |
Organizational Behavior |
3 |
MGT 315 |
Managing Human Resources & Organizational Behavior |
3 |
MGMT 337 |
Advanced Human Resources Management |
3 |
MGT 325 |
Management Skills and Processes |
3 |
MGMT 228 |
Organization Behavior |
3 |
MGT 409 |
Business Policy & Strategic Management |
3 |
MGMT 348 |
Strategic Management/Policy |
3 |
MGT 412 |
Compensation & Reward Systems |
3 |
MGMT 229 |
Compensation Management |
3 |
MGT 414 |
Diversity in the Workspace |
3 |
MGMT 234 |
Diversity in the Workplace |
3 |
MI 101 |
Understanding Media and Information |
3 |
COMM 270 |
Mass Communication |
3 |
MIC 205 |
Allied Health Microbiology |
3 |
BIOL 203 |
Microbiology |
3 |
MIC 206 |
Allied Health Microbiology Lab |
1 |
BIOL 204 |
Microbiology Lab |
1 |
MIC 301 |
Introductory Microbiology |
3 |
BIOL 203 |
Microbiology |
3 |
MIC 302 |
Introductory Microbiology Lab |
1 |
BIOL 204 |
Microbiology Lab |
1 |
MGT 325 |
Management Skills and Processes |
3 |
MGMT 225 |
Principles of Mgmt/Leadership |
3 |
MKT 327 |
Introduction to Marketing |
3 |
MKTG 200 |
Principles of Marketing |
3 |
ML 300 |
Managerial Marketing |
3 |
MKTG 202 |
Managerial Marketing |
3 |
MMG 201 |
Fundamentals of Microbiology |
3 |
BIOL 203 |
Microbiology |
3 |
MMG 205 |
Allied Health Microbiology |
3 |
BIOL 203 |
Microbiology |
3 |
MMG 301 |
Introductory Microbiology |
3 |
BIOL 203 |
Microbiology |
3 |
MMG 302 |
Introductory Lab for General & Allied Health Microbiology |
1 |
BIOL 204 |
Microbiology Lab |
1 |
MMG 365L |
Medical Microbiology Laboratory |
1 |
BIOL 204 |
Microbiology Lab |
1 |
MSC 101 |
Introduction to Business |
3 |
BUSN 118 |
Introduction to Business |
3 |
MSC 300 |
Managerial Marketing |
3 |
MKTG 202 |
Managerial Marketing |
3 |
MSC 313 |
Personal Selling & Buying |
3 |
MKTG 120 |
Sales |
3 |
MTH 101 |
Quantitative Literacy I |
3 |
MATH 119 |
Math - Applications for Living |
3 |
MTH 102 |
Quantitative Literacy II |
3 |
MATH 119 |
Math - Applications for Living |
3 |
MTH 103 |
College Algebra |
3 |
MATH 120 |
College Algebra |
3 |
MATH 103A + MATH 103B |
College Algebra I + College Algebra II |
3 |
MATH 120 |
College Algebra |
4 |
MTH 104 |
Trigonometry |
3 |
MATH 122 |
Precalculus II |
3 |
MTH 110 |
Finite Mathematics and Elements of College Algebra |
5 |
MATH 119 |
Math - Applications for Living |
4 |
MTH 114 |
Trigonometry |
3 |
MATH 122 |
College Algebra II & Trig |
3 |
MTH 116 |
College Algebra & Trigonometry |
5 |
MATH 126 |
College Algebra & Trig |
5 |
MTH 120 |
Algebra & a Survey of Calculus |
5 |
MATH 141 |
Calculus with Applications |
4 |
MTH 124 |
Survey of Calculus I |
3 |
MATH 141 |
Calculus with Applications |
3 |
MTH 132 |
Calculus I |
3 |
MATH 151 |
Calculus I |
3 |
MTH 133 |
Calculus II |
4 |
MATH 152 |
Calculus II |
4 |
MTH 152H |
Honors Calculus I |
3 |
MATH 151 |
Calculus I |
3 |
MTH 153H |
Honors Calculus II |
3 |
MATH 152 |
Calculus II |
3 |
MTH 201 |
Mathematical Investigations I |
3 |
MATH 201 |
Math for Elementary Teachers I |
3 |
MTH 202 |
Mathematical Investigations II |
3 |
MATH 202 |
Math for Elementary Teachers II |
3 |
MTH 234 |
Multivariable Calculus |
4 |
MATH 253 |
Calculus III |
4 |
MTH 235 |
Differential Equations |
3 |
MATH 254 |
Intro to Differential Equations |
3 |
MTH 309 |
Linear Algebra I |
3 |
MATH 260 |
Linear Algebra |
3 |
MTH 314 |
Matrix Algebra with Applications |
3 |
MATH 260 |
Linear Algebra |
3 |
PES 121 |
The Healthy Lifestyle |
3 |
PFHW 123 |
Healthy Lifestyles |
2 |
PHL 101 |
Introduction to Philosophy |
3 |
PHIL 101 |
Introduction to Philosophy |
3 |
PHL 130 |
Logic and Reasoning |
3 |
PHIL 151 |
Intro: Logic & Critical Thinking |
3 |
PHL 200 |
Introduction to Philosophy |
3 |
PHIL 153 |
Knowledge and Reality |
3 |
PHL 210 |
Hist of West Phil - Ancient/Medieval |
3 |
PHIL 211 |
World Philosophies I |
3 |
PHL 211 |
Hist of West Phil - Modern |
3 |
PHIL 212 |
World Philosophies II |
3 |
PHL 330 |
Formal Reasoning |
4 |
PHIL 151 |
Intro: Logic & Critical Thinking |
4 |
PHL 340 |
Ethics |
3 |
PHIL 152 |
Introduction to Ethics |
3 |
PHL 344 |
Ethical Issues in Health Care |
4 |
CHSE 117 |
Health Law and Ethics |
2 |
PHM 350 |
Introductory Human Pharmacology |
3 |
NURSE 200 |
Pharmacology |
3 |
PHY 181B + PHY 183A |
Basic Physics I, CBI + Physics I, CBI |
1 |
PHYS 251 |
Physics I with Calculus |
4 |
PHY 183 + PHY 251 |
Physics for Scientists and Engineers I + Introductory Physics Laboratory I |
2 |
PHYS 251 |
Physics I with Calculus |
5 |
PHY 183B + PHY 183A |
Physics for Scientists & Engineers I + Physics I, CBI |
1 |
PHYS 251 |
Physics I with Calculus |
5 |
PHY 183B + PHY 191 |
Physics for Scientists & Engineers I + Physics Laboratory for Scientists, I |
1 |
PHYS 251 |
Physics I with Calculus |
5 |
PHY 183B + PHY 251 |
Physics for Scientists & Engineers I + Introductory Physics Laboratory I |
2 |
PHYS 251 |
Physics I with Calculus |
5 |
PHY 184 + PHY 192 |
Physics for Scientists and Engineers II + Physics Laboratory for Scientists, II |
1 |
PHYS 252 |
Physics II with Calculus |
5 |
PHY 184 + PHY 252 |
Physics for Scientists and Engineers II + Introductory Physics Laboratory II |
1 |
PHYS 252 |
Physics II with Calculus |
5 |
PHY 184A + PHY 184B |
Physics II + Physics for Scientists & Engineers II |
4 |
PHYS 252 |
Physics II with Calculus |
5 |
PHY 184B + PHY 252 |
Physics for Scientists & Engineers II + Introductory Physics Laboratory II |
1 |
PHYS 252 |
Physics II with Calculus |
5 |
PHY 193H + PHY 251 |
Honors Physics I-Mechanics + Introductory Physics Lab I |
1 |
PHYS 251 |
Physics I with Calculus |
PHY 231 + PHY 251 |
Introductory Physics I + Introductory Physics Lab I |
1 |
PHYS 221 |
Introductory Physics I |
4 |
PHY 231C + PHY 251 |
Introductory Physics I + Introductory Physics Lab I |
1 |
PHYS 221 |
Introductory Physics I |
4 |
PHY 232 + PHY 252 |
Introductory Physics II + Introductory Physics Lab II |
1 |
PHYS 222 |
Introductory Physics II |
4 |
PHY 232B + PHY 234B |
Introductory Physics II + Calculus Concepts in Physics II |
2 |
PHYS 222 |
Introductory Physics II |
4 |
PHY 232C + PHY 252 |
Introductory Physics II + Introductory Physics Lab II |
1 |
PHYS 222 |
Introductory Physics II |
4 |
PHY 233B + PHY 231B |
Calculus Concepts in Physics I + Introductory Physics I |
3 |
PHYS 221 |
Introductory Physics I |
4 |
PHY 294H + PHY 252 |
Honors Physics II-Electromagnetism + Introductory Physics Lab II |
1 |
PHYS 252 |
Physics II with Calculus |
4 |
PLS 100 |
Intro to American Nat'l Government |
3 |
POLS 120 |
American Political System |
3 |
PLS 140 |
Intro to Comparative Politics |
3 |
POLS 260 |
Comparative Political Systems |
3 |
PLS 160 |
Intro to International Relations |
3 |
POLS 270 |
International Relations |
3 |
PLS 200 |
Intro to Political Science |
4 |
POLS 120 |
American Political System |
4 |
PLS 301 |
American State Government |
3 |
POLS 121 |
State and Local Government |
3 |
PLS 313 |
Public Policy Analysis |
3 |
POLS 240 |
Intro to Public Policy |
3 |
PLS 320 |
The American Judicial Process |
3 |
LEGL 215 |
Business Law I, Basic Principles |
3 |
PLS 331 |
Political Parties & Interest Groups |
3 |
POLS 250 |
Campaigns & Elections |
3 |
PSY 101 |
Introductory Psychology |
4 |
PSYC 200 |
Introduction to Psychology |
4 |
PSY 200 |
Cognitive Psychology |
3 |
PSYC 209 |
Cognitive Psychology |
3 |
PSY 209 |
Brain and Behavior |
3 |
PSYC 210 |
Brain and Behavior |
3 |
PSY 235 |
Social Psychology |
3 |
PSYC 203 |
Social Psychology |
3 |
PSY 236 |
Personality |
3 |
PSYC 202 |
Psychology of Personality |
3 |
PSY 238 |
Developmental Psychology: Lifespan |
3 |
PSYC 205 |
Human Growth and Development |
3 |
PSY 244 |
Develop Psych: Infancy Childhood |
3 |
PSYC 221 |
Child Psychology |
3 |
PSY 280 |
Abnormal Psychology |
3 |
PSYC 250 |
Abnormal Psychology |
3 |
PSY 344 |
Develop Psych: Adolescence Youth |
3 |
PSYC 222 |
Adolescent Psychology |
3 |
RCAH 111 |
Writing in Transcultural Contexts |
3 |
ENGL 121 |
Composition I |
3 |
RCAH 112 |
Writing, Research and Technologies |
3 |
ENGL 122 |
Composition II |
3 |
REL 101 |
Exploring Religion |
3 |
RELG 150 |
Intro to World Religions |
3 |
REL 320 |
Christianity |
3 |
RELG 230 |
Introduction to Christianity |
3 |
REL 330 |
Islam |
3 |
RELG 232 |
Introduction to Islam |
3 |
REL 345 |
Religions of South Asia |
3 |
RELG 211 |
Asian Religions and Traditions |
3 |
SOC 100 |
Introduction to Sociology |
4 |
SOCL 120 |
Introduction to Sociology |
4 |
SOC 131 |
Social Problems |
3 |
SOCL 255 |
Contemporary Social Problems |
3 |
SOC 215 |
Race and Ethnicity |
3 |
SOCL 260 |
Race and Ethnicity |
3 |
SOC 220 |
Criminology |
4 |
CJUS 102 |
Crime Causes & Conditions |
3 |
SOC 241 |
Social Psychology |
3 |
PSYC 203 |
Social Psychology |
3 |
SOC 315 |
Family and Society |
3 |
SOCL 254 |
Marriage and Family |
3 |
SPN 101 |
Elementary Spanish I |
4 |
SPAN 121 |
Elementary Spanish I |
4 |
SPN 102 |
Elementary Spanish II |
4 |
SPAN 122 |
Elementary Spanish II |
4 |
SPN 150 |
Review of Elementary Spanish |
5 |
SPAN 121 |
Elementary Spanish I |
4 |
SPN 201 |
Second-Year Spanish I |
4 |
SPAN 201 |
Intermediate Spanish I |
4 |
SPN 202 |
Second-Year Spanish II |
4 |
SPAN 202 |
Intermediate Spanish II |
4 |
STA 110 |
Drawing I |
3 |
ARTS 131 |
Drawing I |
3 |
STA 111 |
Drawing II |
3 |
ARTS 132 |
Figure Drawing |
3 |
STA 113 |
Color and Design |
3 |
ARTS 102 |
2D Design |
3 |
STA 300 |
Intermediate Drawing |
3 |
ARTS 132 |
Figure Drawing |
3 |
STA 320 |
Painting I |
3 |
ARTS 200 |
Painting I |
3 |
STA 430 |
Relief Painting |
4 |
ARTS 140 |
Printmaking I |
3 |
STT 200 |
Statistical Methods |
3 |
STAT 170 |
Introduction to Statistics |
3 |
STT 201 |
Statistical Methods |
4 |
STAT 170 |
Introduction to Statistics |
4 |
STT 224 |
Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Ecologists |
3 |
STAT 170 |
Introduction to Statistics |
3 |
STT 231 |
Statistics for Scientists |
3 |
STAT 170 |
Introduction to Statistics |
3 |
STT 315 |
Probability & Statistics for Business |
3 |
STAT 215 |
Intro to Probability & Statistics |
3 |
STT 351 |
Probability and Statistics for Engineering |
3 |
STAT 215 |
Intro to Probability & Statistics |
3 |
STT 421 |
Statistics I |
3 |
STAT 170 |
Introduction to Statistics |
3 |
STT 430 |
Intro to Probability & Statistics |
3 |
STAT 215 |
Intro to Probability & Statistics |
3 |
SW 200 |
Intro to Social Work |
3 |
SOWK 101 |
Introduction to Social Work |
3 |
TC 345 |
Media Arts Content & Culture |
3 |
MTEC 243 |
Ethics/Social Impact of Media |
3 |
THR 100 |
Theatre and Society |
3 |
THEA 110 |
Introduction to Theatre |
3 |
TSM 121 |
Fundamentals of Electricity |
4 |
ELTE 121 |
Electrical Mathematics |
4 |
VM 110 VM 120 VM 130 VM 140 VM 150 VM 155 VM 160 VM 165 VM 170 VM 175 VM 176 VM 210 VM 215 VM 245 VM 250 VM 255 VM 265 VM 270 VM 275 VM 303 VM 304 |
Vet Medical Terminology Vet Comparative Nutrition Comparative Anatomy Pharmacology for Vet Techs Hospital Procedures & Communication Careers & Professional Development Small Animal Nursing Skills Large Animal & Lab Animal Nursing Care Techniques Hematology & Immunology Clinical Pathology Lab I Clinical Pathology lab II Surgical Nursing for Vet Techs Surgical Nursing & Anesthetic Management Lab Parasitology for Vet Techs Comparative Clinical Physiology Small Animal Diseases & Management Dentistry Techniques Advanced Skills Development Large Animal Diseases & Management Anesthesiology for Vet Techs Radiology for Vet Tec |
1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 5 3 1 1 3 2 2 |
VETT Gen |
Veterinarian General Credit |
40 |
WRA 101 |
Writing as Inquiry |
4 |
ENGL 121 |
Composition I |
4 |
WRA 110 |
Writing: Science & Technology |
4 |
ENGL 121 |
Composition I |
4 |
WRA 115 |
Writing: Law & Justice in the US |
4 |
ENGL 121 |
Composition I |
4 |
WRA 120 |
Writing: American Phil/Literature/Arts |
4 |
ENGL 122 |
Writing: Literature & Ideas |
4 |
WRA 125 |
Writing: American Ethnic/Racial Exp |
4 |
ENGL 121 |
Composition I |
4 |
WRA 130 |
Writing: American Radical Thought |
4 |
ENGL 121 |
Composition I |
4 |
WRA 135 |
Writing: Public Life in America |
4 |
ENGL 121 |
Composition I |
4 |
WRA 140 |
Writing: Women in America |
4 |
ENGL 121 |
Composition I |
4 |
WRA 145 |
Writing: Men in America |
4 |
ENGL 121 |
Composition I |
4 |
WRA 150 |
Writing: Evolution of American Thought |
4 |
ENGL 121 |
Composition I |
4 |
WRA 195H |
Writing: Major Topics in American Thought |
4 |
ENGL 121 |
Composition I |
4 |
ZOL 141 |
Introductory Human Genetics |
3 |
BIOL 270 |
Human Genetics |
3 |