Lansing Community College

Religious Studies Program

Religious studies approaches the investigation of world religions with the attitude that a fundamental understanding of the values and beliefs of the world's peoples is necessary for an educated person who wants to be an informed and responsible citizen. Much of our planet's art, literature, political and social systems, science and technology have a basis in religion. Religious studies attempts to demonstrate those important connections. Furthermore, history is filled with uncountable religious wars, persecution and intolerance stemming from religious bias. Studying the world's religions openly and without prejudice can do no less than help students acquire a greater awareness of and appreciation for the diversity and unity of world religions.

wedding ceremony
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Buddha statue covered in offerings
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person sitting on the floor praying
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person holding a Quaran
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man praying
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religious ceremony
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religious temple
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people praying with their hands in the air
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alter of a church
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mass prayer outside a mosque
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Hopi celebration
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A&S Building, downtown campus, Lansing Community College

Contact Us

Religious Studies Program

Arts and Sciences Division

Arts & Science Building, Room 2203
Phone: 517-483-1061

Additional Contact