Lansing Community College
Procedure Details

Procedure Title: State Authorization Professional Licensure and Certification Disclosures
Procedure #: RO.020
Revision #: 002

Unit Responsible: Registrar's Office
Individual Responsible: Registrar

Effective Date: 07/05/2024
Initial Approval Date: 10/02/2020
Last Review/Update Date: 07/05/2024
Next Review Date: 07/01/2027

*Does this procedure support a Board Policy? Yes
If yes, identify: 3.050-Approval of New Courses and Programs; 3.160-Program Review

Board policies can be found at: LCC Board of Trustees Policy Page

*Does this procedure support HLC criteria? Yes
If yes, identify: 2B, 4A

HLC Criteria can be found at: HLC Accreditation Criteria

*Does this procedure support a State or Federal Regulation? No
If yes, The 2019 State Authorization rules, 34 C.F.R. 600.2, 600.9, 669.41, 668.43

*Note: Standard Operating Procedures should be in furtherance of some LCC policy and/or accreditation criteria, even if the relationship is not direct. Assistance in determining this information can be obtained from the Academic Procedure Advisory Committee (APAC) and/or the Accreditation Liaison Officer.

State Authorization Professional Licensure and Certification Disclosures, BP 3.050, BP 3.160

1. Purpose

In recognition of the State Authorization Federal Regulations and the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA), Lansing Community College (LCC) will provide general and individual disclosures notifying students of all programs that lead to professional licensure and certification regardless of the student’s location or the delivery modality of the program.

2. Scope

Applies to all prospective students, current students, faculty, and staff.

3. Prerequisites

State Authorization Federal Regulation Guidelines require that LCC:

  • certify through the Program Participation Agreement that any program that prepares students for licensure meets the educational requirements where the College is and where distance education (online) students are located or where students attest to plan to be employed after completing the program.
  • must consistently use the same policies and procedures to determine the state in which a student is located for all of its students.
  • must, upon request, provide the U.S. Department of Education with written documentation of its determination of a student’s location and the basis for such a determination.
  • make the determination of a student’s location at the time of initial enrollment and upon formal receipt from the student of information about a change in that student’s location.
  • provide public and individual disclosures of professional licensure information for all programs and modalities.
  • maintain a list of all States for which the institution has determined its curriculum meets the State educational requirements for licensure or certification.
  • maintain a list of all States for which the institution has determined that its curriculum does not meet the State education requirements for licensure.
  • send individualized disclosures to applicants if their program does not meet licensure or certification requirements in the state that the student is located while taking classes at LCC.
  • notify enrolled students within 14 calendar days of making the determination that a program does not satisfy state requirements for licensure or certifications.

Notification disclosures must be sent directly to the students in writing.

Pursuant to the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA):

  • According to SARA Manual Section 5.2, for programs leading to Professional Licensure, “SARA has no effect on State professional licensing requirements. Any Institution approved to participate in SARA that offers courses or programs designed to lead to Professional Licensure or certification or advertised as leading to Licensure must satisfy all federal requirements for disclosures regarding such Professional Licensure programs under 34 §C.F.R. 668.43.”
  • “For SARA purposes, institutions that are unable, after all reasonable efforts, to determine whether a program will meet state professional licensure requirements shall provide the student or applicant with current contact information for any applicable licensing boards, and advise the student or applicant to determine whether the program meets requirements for Licensure in the State where the student or applicant is located.”
  • Location status is determined by LCC Eligibility for In-District, In-State, Out-of-State or International Tuition policy and the student’s attested physical location which they identify at the time of application.
  • The general professional licensure and certification disclosure information is available to prospective and current students on the College’s State Authorization webpage under the consumer information webpage.
  • Any student who submits a change of program request will receive the professional licensure and certification disclosure.
  • The Registrar’s Office maintains a master spreadsheet of all of the students that received both the general and direct professional licensure and certification disclosures.

4. Responsibilities

  • Registrar – Responsible for developing and implementing the process.
  • Students – Review process, complete and submit necessary paperwork.
  • Academic Deans/Associate Deans/Directors – Responsible for professional licensure/certification research, advising, and providing disclosures to students.
  • Compliance Officer – Responsible for monitoring the process and ensuring State Authorization and NC-SARA rules and regulations are met.
  • Academic Affairs – Responsible for evaluating academic programs and courses to ensure alignment with State Authorization and NC-SARA rules and regulations.

5. Procedure

  1. Student applies to the College. As part of the application, student reviews the professional licensure and certification information disclosure and must confirm by initialing that it has been reviewed prior to submission of application.
  2. Location status is determined by LCC Eligibility for In-District, In-State, Out-of-State or International Tuition policy and the student’s attested physical location which they identify at the time of application.
  3. The Registrar’s Office places a hold on the student account if the program of study leads to licensure/certification, is Title IV eligible, and does not meet the requirements of the state of the student’s attested location.
  4. Registrar’s Office sends the Attestation Disclosure Form and instructions for completion to the student’s LCC email address.
  5. Student completes the Attestation Disclosure Form. The form is routed to the Registrar’s Office.
  6. Registrar’s Office sends Attestation Form to the appropriate academic area.
  7. Associate Dean/Director contacts the student to review the Attestation Disclosure Form. This review must occur within 2 business days of receiving the form. After reviewing with the student, the Associate Dean/Director signs the form and routes it back to the Registrar’s Office.
  8. The Registrar’s Office will approve the Attestation Disclosure Form and remove the hold from the student account, thus allowing the student to proceed with registration.
  9. The Registrar’s Office runs a report weekly to identify students that have changed their program and/or residency/location.
  10. If applicable, the Registrar’s Office sends an email to the respective Academic Dean or Associate Dean/Director requesting an individual (direct) professional licensure and certification disclosure statement indicating:
    • the College has determined that its curriculum does not meet the State educational requirements for licensure or certification in the state where the student is located; and
    • current contact information for any applicable licensing boards for the student to determine whether the program meets requirements for professional licensure or certification in the state where the student is located.
  11. The Academic Dean or Associate Dean/Director sends the requested disclosure to the Registrar’s Office within 5 business days upon receiving a request from the Registrar’s Office.
  12. The Registrar’s Office sends the disclosure to the student via their LCC email within 14 days.
  13. The Registrar’s Office will maintain disclosure records.
  14. The Academic areas will research, review, and update the State Authorization Professional Licensure/Certification educational requirements annually.

6. Reference

Eligibility for In-District, In-State, Out-of-State or International Tuition policy

LCC State Authorization webpage

National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) Policy Manual

7. Definitions