Lansing Community College
Procedure Details

Procedure Title: Classroom and Laboratory Visitation
Procedure #: AA.014
Revision #: 000

Unit Responsible: Academic Affairs
Individual Responsible: Academic Affairs Project Manager

Effective Date: 02/04/2022
Initial Approval Date: 02/04/2022
Last Review/Update Date: 02/04/2022
Next Review Date: 02/01/2025

*Does this procedure support a Board Policy? Yes
If yes, identify: 3.090-Classroom and Laboratory Visitation

Board policies can be found at: LCC Board of Trustees Policy Page

*Does this procedure support HLC criteria? No
If yes, identify: N/A

HLC Criteria can be found at: HLC Accreditation Criteria

*Does this procedure support a State or Federal Regulation? Yes
If yes, identify: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) reasonable accommodations when a visitor is in support of a student working with the Center for Student Access

*Note: Standard Operating Procedures should be in furtherance of some LCC policy and/or accreditation criteria, even if the relationship is not direct. Assistance in determining this information can be obtained from the Academic Procedure Advisory Committee (APAC) and/or the Accreditation Liaison Officer.

Classroom and Laboratory Visitation, BP 3.090

1. Purpose

To implement the Board policy on Classroom and Laboratory Visitation, and to ensure that the requirements of this policy are communicated regularly and accurately.

2. Scope

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) covers all classrooms and laboratories at Lansing Community College (LCC), and the instructors responsible for those classrooms/laboratories while instruction is taking place.

3. Prerequisites

All instructional divisions will maintain written processes pertaining to approving classroom and laboratory guest lecturers. The Center for Student Access (CSA) will maintain written processes for informing instructors when a student has been approved for an accommodation which requires support personnel in the classroom or laboratory. Student Affairs will maintain written processes for informing instructors when a prospective student would like to visit a classroom or laboratory.

4. Responsibilities

The Academic Affairs Project Coordinator (AAPC) is responsible for ensuring that all relevant written processes have been developed and are up to date, and that LCC’s website includes all necessary information.

The AAPC, working with the Internal Communications director, will also ensure that relevant information will be communicated to all faculty on a regular basis.

5. Procedure

  1. The AAPC will ensure that the instructional divisions and the CSA have appropriate written processes in place for approving guest lecturers, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) support personnel, or visiting prospective students.
  2. The AAPC will ensure that necessary catalog information is up-to-date.
  3. Working with the Internal Communications Director, the AAPC will communicate both the written processes associated with Board Policy and the catalog information to all faculty and students preceding each semester.

6. Reference

Student General Rules and Guidelines, page 2

7. Definitions