Lansing Community College

Revised: 04/15/2024

The College recognizes the value and importance of a safe and orderly learning environment that encourages honesty, integrity, and ethical conduct conducive to academic success, personal growth, and responsible social behavior. The Student General Rules and Guidelines and Student Code of Conduct ensure the protection of student rights and the health and safety of the College community, as well as to aid in efficiently operating College programs. It is the responsibility of each student to know and abide by the Student General Rules and Guidelines and Student Code of Conduct.

The College has established procedures for reporting and addressing alleged violations of the Student General Rules and Guidelines and Student Code of Conduct in accordance with the College’s Ethics and Standards of Conduct for Students Policy. These procedures are designed to provide a fair, consistent, and reliable process for all parties.

The Student General Rules and Guidelines and Student Code of Conduct apply from the time of admission to the College and continue as long as the student remains enrolled at the college. They are also applicable to a student’s conduct even if the student withdraws from school while a disciplinary matter is pending.

The Office of Student Compliance is an integral part of the positive educational environment at the College, and is responsible for upholding the Student General Rules and Guidelines and Student Code of Conduct. The office supports the mission of the College by responding to and resolving situations in which the behavioral choices of students are negatively impacting the College community, or other students, including themselves.

Access to College Buildings

StarCards are currently required to enter all LCC buildings on Downtown Campus, West Campus, LCC East, and Aviation Maintenance Technology Center. Livingston County Center shares a building with Howell Public Schools and has instituted a separate security protocol.

Access to College buildings after normal hours of operation is restricted. Contact LCC Police Department at 517-483-1800 for access outside of normal hours of operation.


For the protection, health, and safety of the members of the College community, animals are not permitted on campus. This provision excludes service animals. For additional information please refer to the Service Animal webpage.

Cell Phones

The use of cell phones for conversations during class is at the discretion of the instructor.

Drugs and Alcohol

LCC complies with the Drug-Free Workplace Act and the Drug- Free Schools and Communities Act. The College is committed to providing a campus environment free of prohibited drug and alcohol use and intoxication, consistent with federal, state, and local law, and College policy.

See the Drug and Alcohol Policy for details.


Students are required to take examinations at the scheduled appointed time and place at the discretion of instructors. Generally, examinations are given during the regularly scheduled class period with a final exam during the last week of the semester. Please see course syllabi for details.

Field Trips and College Sponsored Events and Activities

Students participating in field trips and other College-sponsored events and activities must abide by all College policies.

LCC Email Account

Students are responsible for checking their LCC-assigned student email accounts on a regular basis. Official notifications and information are routinely sent to student email accounts. Students who use other email accounts should make sure they are monitoring their LCC email accounts as well.


LCC is a smoke free campus. See the Smoking Policy, Section 6.110, for details.

Student Organizations

Certain student clubs and organizations are registered at the College. For information about certain clubs and organizations or how to start a student club or organization please contact the Student Life Office. For more information, go to the LCC Clubs & Organizations webpage.

Technology Resources - Acceptable Use

The LCC Acceptable Use Policy describes guidelines for the use of the College's technology resources and use of College wide data. Use of College-owned technology resources is a privilege extended by the College to students as a tool to promote the College’s mission and to enhance technological/computer literacy. College computer labs and devices/equipment for checkout from the Library and Information Technology Services are available on campus for students to complete their course work. Students are expected to follow the rules for any lab or the department which houses the computer they use.

This policy applies to all users of College technology resources and data, including those using the College’s network via a personally owned device. Violations of this policy may result in loss of computer privileges and/or disciplinary action under the Student Code of Conduct. In addition, the user may be subject to civil and criminal liabilities. See the Acceptable Use Policy, LCC Board Policy 6.010, for details.

Student Code of Conduct

In addition to being familiar with the Student General Rules and Guidelines, all students are responsible for knowledge of and adherence to the Student Code of Conduct.