Lansing Community College

Emergency preparedness: Who’s on LCC’s security team?

An LCC police officer talks with students on the Mall

LCC has its own Police Department! They work 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Our officers police with safety in mind. They can help with safety escorts around campus, medical emergencies, battery jump starts, opening locked vehicles and more. Contact them anytime at 517-483-1800.

Our Police also host regular trainings about how to respond to an active violence situation, whether on campus or elsewhere. Consider attending one of their talks!

To help our police, LCC has a team of employees specially trained in emergency response – our BERT team! In an emergency – like a medical crisis, evacuation, active violence or tornado – the Building Emergency Response Team members are trained to be able to help others before professional first responders arrive. You might have seen them directing people to shelter locations during April’s tornado warning.

If you’re curious to learn more about safety planning at LCC, check out our Emergency Management Department and our Police Department webpages.


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