Lansing Community College

Emergency preparedness: Staying safe during extreme heat

Sunglasses lying on a beach

Hot weather is not only a hallmark of summer, but a potential health hazard. Extreme heat and humidity require your body to work extra hard to maintain a safe temperature. This is particularly dangerous for older adults, children, and sick or overweight individuals.

When Michigan comes under an extreme heat warning, plan indoor activities. Find air conditioning and avoid strenuous activity. Drink plenty of fluids and wear light-colored clothing. Importantly, never leave people or pets inside a closed car.

It is also critical to watch for signs of heat-related illness.

  • Heat cramps are muscle spasms in the arms, legs or stomach. You should go to a cooler location, remove excess clothing, and sip on a sports drink. Seek medical attention if symptoms do not abate within an hour.
  • Heat exhaustion can cause heavy sweating, paleness, muscle cramps, tiredness, dizziness, headache, fainting and nausea. You should follow the same steps as for heat cramps, but also consider lying down or taking a cool bath. Seek medical attention if symptoms get worse or last more than an hour.
  • Heat stroke causes a body temperature of more than 103 degrees; red, hot, dry skin with no sweat; a rapid pulse; and dizziness, confusion or unconsciousness. This is a medical emergency. Call 911 or get the person to a hospital right away. Cool them down as best you can until medical help arrives.

Extreme heat can also cause power outages. At home, keep your freezers and refrigerators closed to preserve the cold. Keep all generators outdoors and away from windows. Seek a cooler location, such as a basement or community shelter, if your home gets too hot without air conditioning or fans.

In the event of a power outage while on campus, you do not need to leave a building or campus unless told to do so by an LCC Emergency Alert or Public Address announcement. Building emergency lighting will come on to provide sufficient lighting for moving about your space safely. In most cases, power is restored within 15 minutes.

If a building or campus experiences an extended loss of power, the college will provide direction through LCC Emergency Alert, the Public Address system, or by way of a Building Emergency Response Team (BERT) member.

For more information about emergency preparedness at LCC, check out this video.


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