Lansing Community College

Upcoming Resume and Job Search Workshops in the Career Center

Whether you are on the job hunt now or want to brush up on your skills for the future, check out these upcoming workshops with Career and Employment Services:

All workshops and seminars take place noon - 1 p.m. Free lunch is provided but seats are limited, so make sure to register to attend! 

Resume Workshop:
Get the Interview: Resumes 101
Transform your resume into a powerful tool that will help you get interviews. This workshop is for anyone who wants to make the most of their work experience, learn the different formats and which one you should use, and rediscover the essential elements of a resume.

Job Search Workshop:
The 4 R’s of Job Searching
You’ve most likely been there. Resume, after resume, application after application and then you wait….and nothing. Join others in learning tricks of making the most of the job hunt with the 4 R’s and the benefits of having a process.


Plan Your Next Move