Lansing Community College

This week's employer spotlight is with Jackson

We asked Melissa Burns, Talent Acquisition Early Career & Strategic Relationship Manager, some questions about working for the company.

A purple background with the Jackson logo in red.


What makes your company a great place to work?

  Jackson invests in the associates!

Describe the culture of your company.

We are committed to a culture of integrity, inclusion, empowerment and growth.

What majors do you hire?

Finance, Accounting, Computer Science are a few but, we hire many different majors as we are headquartered in Lansing and have lots of opportunity here.  If you are interested in Financial Services or just interested in business or technology we may be a good fit. 

What skills and/or experiences do you look for in candidates?

If you have the willingness to learn, we’ll train you!

Do you offer internship programs?

We have a part time program where many students work a flexible schedule year-round while you gain exposure, build experience and grow professionally within our corporate environment.  

Do you have any open positions you would like to highlight?

Strategic Support Associate.

What is one piece of career advice you would give lcc students?

 Ask questions, take any opportunity to build your network and check out our flexible, part time Strategic Support Associate role!

How can students connect with you?

 LinkedIn or email Sam Pahssen at

Jackson will be at LCC’s Downtown Campus, Career Center – Gannon Building Room 2219, Wednesday, February 7 from 11am – 1pm.

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