National Insurance Services (NIS) administers LCC's Basic and Supplemental Life, Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D), and Long Term Disability (LTD) policies for all full-time employees. Basic policies are provided at no cost to the employee, while supplemental options are available to purchase for a monthly premium. NIS also offers full-time employees a free employee assistance program (EAP) and free identity theft protection services.
Read below for detailed information about these benefit options:
All full-time employees are eligible to enroll in the NIS insurance options. An employee's spouse and dependent child(ren) are also eligible to be enrolled under the supplemental policies per the details of each applicable Policy Certificate.
What is Life Insurance?
LCC provides a guarantee issue amount of $50,000* in a Basic Life Insurance policy at no cost for all full-time employees. Life Insurance helps employees and their family pay for unexpected funeral or end of life expenses, reducing stress at an already difficult time. Employees can purchase additional coverage amounts for Employee, Spouse, and Child Life Insurance for a monthly premium.
*If you are a full-time Executive Contract Employee (Pay Grade 9 or above) or LCC President, your Basic Life Insurance policy amount is increased to $100,000 and $500,000, respectively.
Supplemental Coverage Information
Coverage Type Coverage Amount Employee Life $10,000 increments, to a maximum of $500,000 (not combined with your Basic Life coverage amount; not to exceed 5 times annual salary) Spouse Life Choice of $10,000 or $20,000 Child Life $5,000 Supplemental Guarantee Issue Amounts
The Guarantee Issue is the amount of coverage provided which is not subject to Evidence of Insurability (EOI) / Medical Questions. Upon initial eligibility, a new full-time employee may enroll in amounts up to the following supplemental guarantee issue amounts without needing to submit EOI / Medical Questions:
Coverage Type Guarantee Issue Amount Employee Life $150,000 Spouse Life $20,000 Child Life $5,000 Amounts above the guarantee issue upon initial eligibility OR new/increased coverage amounts outside of initial eligibility requires completion of EOI / Medical Questions.
Evidence of Insurability (EOI) / Medical Questions
If an employee requests enrollment in supplemental amounts above the guarantee issue upon initial eligibility OR requests new or increased coverage amounts outside of initial eligibility, they will be required to complete EOI / Medical Questions for each person seeking new or increased coverage. These requested amounts are not guaranteed and are dependent upon the EOI submission review by the Madison National Life Medical Underwriting Department. Madison National Life Insurance Company, Inc. (MNL) is the insurance underwriter of this insurance. There are two ways to submit the EOI:
PDF FileEvidence of Insurability (EOI) Form PDF FileHelpful Hints to Complete the EOI
PDF FileOnline EOI Submission Instructions
To login to the online EOI, you will need to use your LCC email address with the "" domain name. After EOI submission, the requestor will receive a separate email to the address entered on the form to electronically review and sign the submission through DocuSign.
Premium (Cost)
Age of Employee Monthly Premium per $1,000 of Coverage <30 $0.037 30 thru 34 $0.048 35 thru 39 $0.058 40 thru 44 $0.074 45 thru 49 $0.115 50 thru 54 $0.190 55 thru 59 $0.321 60 thru 64 $0.493 65 thru 69 $0.933 70 thru 99 $1.511 SUPPLEMENTAL SPOUSE LIFE MONTHLY PREMIUM
Age of Employee Monthly Premium per $1,000 of Coverage* <30 $0.051 30 thru 34 $0.064 35 thru 39 $0.077 40 thru 44 $0.098 45 thru 49 $0.137 50 thru 54 $0.248 55 thru 59 $0.398 60 thru 64 $0.701 65 thru 69 $1.215 70 thru 99 $1.916 *Spouse rates based on the Employee's age
Monthly Premium per Child(ren) Unit ($5,000 in coverage) $0.510 If an employee does not have sufficient pay on their paycheck to cover payroll-deducted benefits premium payments, invoicing is used to collect any missed payments. An employee could have insufficient pay due to situations such as an unpaid leave of absence or not having scheduled work in a pay period. Check out the LCC Employee Benefits Invoicing webpage for more details.
Policy Certificate
Full-Time Employees excluding Executives and President
PDF FileLife Insurance Policy Certificate - FT Employees
Executives (Pay Grade 9 and Above) excluding President
PDF FileLife Insurance Policy Certificate - Executives
What is AD&D Insurance?
LCC provides a guarantee issue amount of $50,000* in a Basic Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance policy at no cost for all full-time employees. AD&D Insurance provides benefits for employees and their family following an accidental death or certain bodily injuries. Employees can purchase additional coverage amounts for Employee, Spouse, and Child AD&D Insurance for a monthly premium.
*If you are a full-time Executive Contract Employee (Pay Grade 9 or above) or LCC President, your Basic AD&D Insurance policy amount is increased to $100,000 and $500,000, respectively.
Supplemental Coverage Information
Coverage Type Coverage Amount Employee AD&D $10,000 increments, to a maximum of $500,000 (not combined with your Basic AD&D coverage amount; not to exceed 5 times annual salary) Spouse Only AD&D 50%* Spouse and Child(ren) AD&D 40%* for spouse and 10%* up to a maximum of $50,000 for each child Child(ren) Only AD&D 15%* up to a maximum of $50,000 for each child *Percentage of Supplemental AD&D Employee Coverage Amount
Premium (Cost)
Monthly Premium per $1,000 of coverage $0.030 SUPPLEMENTAL FAMILY AD&D MONTHLY PREMIUM
Monthly Premium per $1,000 of coverage $0.050 If an employee does not have sufficient pay on their paycheck to cover payroll-deducted benefits premium payments, invoicing is used to collect any missed payments. An employee could have insufficient pay due to situations such as an unpaid leave of absence or not having scheduled work in a pay period. Check out the LCC Employee Benefits Invoicing webpage for more details.
Policy Certificate
Full-Time Employees excluding Executives and President
PDF FileAD&D Insurance Policy Certificate- FT Employees
Executives (Pay Grade 9 and above) excluding President
PDF FileAD&D Insurance Policy Certificate - Executives
What is LTD Insurance?
LCC provides Basic Long Term Disability (LTD) Insurance at no cost for all full-time employees following a 90-day elimination period. This insurance helps employees continue to pay bills and provide for living expenses while disabled. Benefits are paid at 66.6% of the employee’s monthly salary up to $6,000 monthly maximum benefit.
My Coverage Resources and Forms
Premium Calculator Tool
To calculate the monthly premium for Supplemental Employee Life, Spouse Life, Employee Only AD&D, and Family AD&D Insurance use the equation below:
coverage amount / $1,000 = x rate (see chart) = $monthly premium
Employee Online Portal
Employees can file a claim or manage an existing claim through the online Madison National Life (MNL) employee portal. Madison National Life Insurance Company, Inc. (MNL) is the insurance underwriter of this insurance.
Employee Assistance Program
NIS offers free Employee Assistance Program services and up to three in-person assessment and counseling sessions for full-time employees. Check out the PDF FileNIS Employee Assistance Program flyer to learn more about these services.
Identity Theft Protection Services
NIS offers free identity theft protection services through MyIDCare. Check out the PDF FileIdentity Theft Protection Services flyer to learn more about these services. Login Code: NIS
Benefits Enrollment & Changes
When and how can I enroll in and make changes to my eligible benefits?

Contact your HR Benefits Team at
Contact Human Resources

Phone: 517-483-1870
Fax: 517-483-1883
Monday - Friday:
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Administration Building
Suite 103 & 106
610 North Capitol Avenue
Lansing, MI 48933