The world around you is often filled with debates between different political and policy opinions. Lansing Community College's Political Science program will give you the tools you need to navigate this enormous and complicated subject and will train you in political scholarship and how the government functions. Our Political Science graduates enter into an expanding career field, have a highly transferable base of core and concentration credit hours, and learn how to make sense of a difficult political environment.
Important Dates & Deadlines
First 8 Weeks Teaching Period - Last Date to Drop Course with a Record of a W & Last Date to Drop Online - Spring Semester
Last 8 Weeks Teaching Period - Last Week for Waitlist
Last day to submit Associate Degree/Certificate Applications for Spring Semester Graduates
First 8 Weeks Teaching Period Ends - Spring Semester
Contact Academic Advising for an appointment to answer your individual questions.
517-483-1200 option 4
Academic Advising
Interested in learning more about this program?
Complete and submit our request for information form and we will be in touch soon.
Degrees and Certificates Offered
Political Science, AA
Our quality of life in the United States is dependent upon our citizens understanding our political system. With understanding comes our ability to participate and keep democracy and freedom alive in the United States. Citizens are the lifeblood of any democracy.
Admissions Requirements
LCC is an open enrollment college serving all those who are excited to learn. Applicants seeking financial aid must possess a high school diploma or GED.
Career Information
The occupations listed below may require education beyond an Associate Degree. Please see Career Coach for specific career requirements.
*Please note that data shared on this page is provided by Lightcast are estimates only, may require education beyond the certificate or associate degree granted by LCC, and are no guarantee of employment. LCC advises that you rely on your own due diligence in choosing a field of study.
General education requirements may differ from one institution to another. Contact your preferred institutions and plan their general education requirements accordingly with an LCC advisor.
International Studies, AA
A program in teach-out means that students with that declared major who are currently completing the program requirements will be allowed a specified amount of time to complete these requirements, and other students will not be able to declare/receive this certificate.

Contact Us
Political Science Program
Arts and Sciences Division
Arts & Sciences Building Room 2203
Phone: 517-483-1061
Social Sciences, GA
This degree is designed for students wishing to work in a field related to Social Sciences. Pathways included in this Career Community are Anthropology, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology. This degree includes a set of courses common to all majors and the majority of transfer institutions. Students beginning college in this degree program are encouraged to work with academic and program advisors throughout their first few semesters of study to determine their specific major area and transfer institution.
Admissions Requirements
LCC is an open enrollment college serving all those who are excited to learn. Applicants seeking financial aid must possess a high school diploma or GED.
Career Information
The occupations listed below may require education beyond an Associate Degree. Please see Career Coach for specific career requirements.
Data source
*Please note that data shared on this page is provided by Lightcast are estimates only, may require education beyond the certificate or associate degree granted by LCC, and are no guarantee of employment. LCC advises that you rely on your own due diligence in choosing a field of study.
General education requirements may differ from one institution to another. Contact your preferred institutions and plan their general education requirements accordingly with an LCC advisor.