Legal Studies Program Legal Specialty Courses Transfer Credit Policy*
The Lansing Community College Legal Studies program may award transfer credit for designated, legal specialty courses on a case-by-case basis determined by the Legal Studies Program Director, subject to approval of the Dean of the Technical Careers Division. The current Legal Studies specialty courses are LEGL 115, LEGL 125, LEGL 211, LEGL 212, LEGL 218, LEGL 225, LEGL 228, LEGL 229 and LEGL 270. The following conditions apply to the transfer of these legal specialty courses:
Lansing Community College's Legal Studies program is approved by the American Bar Association.
- Transfer credit may be awarded for substantially similar courses completed with a grade of "C" or higher in an ABA approved, or other post-secondary academically accredited academic Legal Studies program. To be considered "substantially similar", the course must have incorporated the same or similar topics and assignments as the LCC Legal Studies specialty course sought to be credited as evidenced by a catalog description, detailed syllabus, and course reference file.
- No more than 9 semester credit hours of Legal Studies specialty course credit may be earned toward the Legal Studies Associate Degree or Legal Studies Post-Bachelor Certificate by transfer credit.
- Transfer credit will not be awarded for LEGL 225 and LEGL 270.
*Notwithstanding the provisions detailed above: in no circumstance will a student be awarded a Legal Studies Associate degree or Certificate unless at least 9 credit hours of Legal Studies specialty course work has been completed at LCC in a synchronous class format.
Important Dates & Deadlines
Pre-Registration Tasks - Summer Semester 2025
Registration begins for Current and Returning Students - Summer Semester 2025
Last 8 Weeks Teaching Period - Last Date to Drop a Course with No Grade - Spring Semester
Last 8 Weeks Teaching Period - Last Date to Change to Audit/Credit - Spring Semester
Contact Academic Advising for an appointment to answer your individual questions.
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Degrees and Certificates Offered
Legal Studies, AB
The Associate Degree curriculum consists of in-depth legal specialty classes along with a general basic education. Students in this curriculum may be in college for the first time or may have some previous college experience. A student with no previous college can usually complete the curriculum in two years, attending full-time.
Admissions Requirements
LCC is an open enrollment college serving all those who are excited to learn. Applicants seeking financial aid must possess a high school diploma or GED.
Career Information
The occupations listed below may require education beyond an Associate Degree. Please see Career Coach for specific career requirements.
*Please note that data shared on this page is provided by Lightcast are estimates only, may require education beyond the certificate or associate degree granted by LCC, and are no guarantee of employment. LCC advises that you rely on your own due diligence in choosing a field of study.
General education requirements may differ from one institution to another. Contact your preferred institutions and plan their general education requirements accordingly with an LCC advisor.
Legal Studies Post-Bachelor, CA
The Post-Bachelor certificate program is offered for students who have already earned a bachelor's degree from an accredited four-year college or university. These students can usually complete the program in one year, attending full-time.
Admissions Requirements
LCC is an open enrollment college serving all those who are excited to learn. Applicants seeking financial aid must possess a high school diploma or GED.
Career Information
The occupations listed below may require education beyond an Associate Degree. Please see Career Coach for specific career requirements.
*Please note that data shared on this page is provided by Lightcast are estimates only, may require education beyond the certificate or associate degree granted by LCC, and are no guarantee of employment. LCC advises that you rely on your own due diligence in choosing a field of study.