The Art, Design, and Media Career Community is right for you if you enjoy creating projects through visual art, technological applications, or a combination of these techniques and tools.
All of the programs in this Career Community offer a path to employment and transfer into a four-year or bachelor's degree program. Programs in this Career Community can lead to work in a variety of art and design areas (animation, ceramics, collaborative design, design thinking and sustainability, digital art, furniture design, graphic and web design, illustration, industrial design, interactive design, interior design, transportation design) or in media (film production, photography, television production, visual/audio production). Many programs include short-term certificates leading to employment as you complete your degree. We also offer an Enhanced degree that allows you to complete additional courses here at LCC that will transfer into your bachelor's degree program.
Programs of Study
Important Dates & Deadlines
First 8 Weeks Teaching Period - Last Date to Drop Course with a Record of a W & Last Date to Drop Online - Spring Semester
Last 8 Weeks Teaching Period - Last Week for Waitlist
Last day to submit Associate Degree/Certificate Applications for Spring Semester Graduates
First 8 Weeks Teaching Period Ends - Spring Semester
Contact Us
Art, Design, and Media Career Community
Arts and Sciences Division
Arts and Sciences Bldg, Room 1117
Phone: 517-483-1010