Lansing Community College
Procedure Details

Procedure Title: Academic Transcripts
Procedure #: RO.022
Revision #: 000

Unit Responsible: Registrar’s Office
Individual Responsible: Registrar

Effective Date: 02/04/2022
Initial Approval Date: 02/04/2022
Last Review/Update Date: 02/04/2022
Next Review Date: 02/01/2025

*Does this procedure support a Board Policy? Yes
If yes, identify: 3.030 - Academic Records

Board policies can be found at: LCC Board of Trustees Policy Page

*Does this procedure support HLC criteria? Yes
If yes, identify: 4A

HLC Criteria can be found at: HLC Accreditation Criteria

*Does this procedure support a State or Federal Regulation? No
If yes, identify: N/A

*Note: Standard Operating Procedures should be in furtherance of some LCC policy and/or accreditation criteria, even if the relationship is not direct. Assistance in determining this information can be obtained from the Academic Procedure Advisory Committee (APAC) and/or the Accreditation Liaison Officer.

Academic Transcripts, BP 3.030

1. Purpose

To provide for the maintenance of the academic transcripts of students.

2. Scope

This SOP applies to the Registrar's staff who maintain academic transcripts of students who attend/have attended Lansing Community College (LCC).

3. Prerequisites

In compliance with the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and other regulatory agencies, LCC maintains an accurate academic transcript for every student. The transcript is the student’s permanent, official academic record and bears the signature of the College Registrar.

The official transcript includes course(s) waived, attempted, completed, courses and credit(s) transferred, prior learning credit(s), credit hours, the LCC grade point average (GPA), GPA points, current program and major, and certificates of completion, certificates of achievement, and associate degrees awarded by the College.

4. Responsibilities

The responsibility for the interpretation and administration of this policy is delegated to the Registrar or designee.

5. Procedure

Official transcripts will be maintained and stored by the Registrar.

6. Reference

Refer to the Rules, Requirements, and Procedures webpage for SOP pertaining to academic transcripts.

7. Definitions