Lansing Community College
Procedure Details

Procedure Title: Remote Work Requirements and Guidelines
Procedure #: HR.016
Revision #: 000

Unit Responsible: Human Resources
Individual Responsible: Executive Director of Human Resources

Effective Date: 10/03/2022
Initial Approval Date: 09/19/2022
Last Review/Update Date: 09/19/2022
Next Review Date: 09/19/2025

*Does this procedure support a Board Policy? Yes
If yes, identify: 4.130-Remote Work

Board policies can be found at: LCC Board of Trustees Policy Page

*Does this procedure support HLC criteria? No
If yes, identify: N/A

HLC Criteria can be found at: HLC Accreditation Criteria

*Does this procedure support a State or Federal Regulation? No
If yes, identify: N/A

*Note: Standard Operating Procedures should be in furtherance of some LCC policy and/or accreditation criteria, even if the relationship is not direct. Assistance in determining this information can be obtained from the Academic Procedure Advisory Committee (APAC) and/or the Accreditation Liaison Officer.

Remote Work Requirements and Guidelines, BP 4.130

1. Purpose

To define the guidelines and expectations related to employees whose work assignments include a component of remote work, including hybrid remote/on campus arrangement.

2. Scope

These guidelines with respect to conduct during virtual group work apply to all employees.

These guidelines with respect to scheduling remote and hybrid work arrangements apply to all employees, except for employees with assignments in instructional settings, such as Teaching Faculty, Lab Instructors, and Teaching Clinicians, whose work locations and schedules are primarily determined by their assigned workload.

3. Prerequisites


4. Responsibilities

The Executive Director of Human Resources is responsible for updating and clarifying these guidelines and requirements.

5. Procedure

Work Assignments

  1. ELT members are responsible for establishing and maintaining work schedules that, in their judgment, meet the service needs in their areas of responsibility, by establishing and maintaining appropriate levels of on campus presence and opportunities for remote work.
  2. Administrative supervisors may utilize flexible or variable length work days in developing work schedules.
  3. Employees will be advised of indefinite changes in their work schedules as far in advance as practicable, but no later than two weeks prior to the change.
  4. Employees with work schedule concerns should discuss their concerns with their Administrative Supervisor.
  5. ELT members will make final decisions regarding work schedules.
  6. Employees who have health reasons for requesting a change in their work location should complete the Request for Accommodation, which requires health documentation to support the request.

College Emergency Situations

Remote work can be helpful and necessary in emergent situations, allowing for continuity of college operations. In these cases, the decision to temporarily adjust the number of days per week employees are scheduled to work on campus may be approved by the college for a period of time, specified or unspecified. External factors may influence this decision, such as federal, state, and local orders, rules, and guidance. Other reasons for temporary changes by the college could include: building/campus damage (unplanned) or construction (planned) or utility disruptions, severe weather conditions, or an emergency threat or incident. The safety of every student, employee, and visitor on campus is paramount in the College’s decision making.

Personal Situations

Remote work can be helpful in addressing personal issues. In these cases, employees may request and be granted authorization from their Administrative Supervisor to modify their work location for up to one week. Requests exceeding one week require ELT approval. Such requests should be made as far in advance as practicable.

Remote Work Requirements

  1. In order to foster engagement and effective non-verbal communication during virtual group work, employees are expected to keep their cameras on during meetings in which their presence is required in conformance with Department and Program protocol
    1. It is understood that meeting participants may intermittently turn their cameras off for a variety of reasons including: eating, drinking and biological breaks; when other participants are in presentation mode; there are several screens of participants; etc.
    2. Employees are encouraged to balance the need for engagement with the intermittent need to turn cameras off.
  2. When practicable, meetings that include confidential information should be conducted in- person. In the event that an in-person meeting is not practicable, employees must ensure confidentiality, with no other parties present during the virtual meetings that include confidential information.
  3. Employees who are assigned work schedules that include remote work must reflect their work schedule on their Outlook (or other approved) calendar (e.g., accessible schedule, off site times, etc.), with the details accessible by their Administrative Supervisor. Some departments may require remote work documentation on common calendars or in other ways.
  4. Employees working remotely are responsible for ensuring that their remote work locations are equipped with the technological resources, including reliable internet access, to perform remote work. Employees who cannot create or maintain such resources will not be approved for remote work.
  5. Employees who are approved to work remotely are responsible to work as scheduled. In the event of a temporary loss of remote internet services, employees must secure an appropriate alternate remote work location, or come to campus.
  6. Requests for accommodations while working remotely will be addressed in conformance with the College ADA Reasonable Accommodations Policy, if applicable
  7. Official LCC work stations are applicable to all workers’ compensation issues. Employees who work remotely must maintain a physically safe workspace that is reasonably free of disruption. Injuries or accidents that occur while working from home or working remotely may not be covered under the College’s Workers Compensation insurance. Employees who cannot create or maintain such a space will not be approved for remote work.
  8. Employees may not work from a remote location during medical leave unless they submit satisfactory written authorization from their physician in advance of performance of any work. That written authorization must be submitted to Human Resources, who will ultimately determine if the employee may work during the leave.
  9. Employees must be accessible to students, colleagues, and their Administrative Supervisor during scheduled work hours, via all available communication modes, including, but not limited to emails and the College’s instant messenger, cell phone WebEx. Etc.

Remote Work Facility Issues

  1. Ergonomics: In many cases, working remotely can present unique ergonomic challenges. Many people have makeshift home workstations that may not be appropriate for a work environment. It is important for you to assess your remote work environment and how it may affect your ability to properly perform your job Taking responsibility for this aspect of remote work is important.
  2. Technology: Supervisors and employees should consider which technology tools should be assigned to the employee in their remote work locations. Supervisors must keep track of technology deployed to remote work environments. Employees should discuss with supervisors regarding the need for any additional equipment to work successfully in the remote environment. LCC has many tools available to allow for online collaboration and the ability for teams to stay connected. All temporary and long-term use of additional equipment for remote locations must be approved, in advance and in writing, by the respective ELT member and the CIO, or designee. Any such equipment and peripherals must be returned to the College upon request. Further, the equipment must be returned intact, undamaged and no data or software may be deleted.
  3. Information Technology Security: Keeping all work at LCC safe and secure remains the employee’s responsibility, regardless of work location. All employees must follow LCC’s information security policies and review the resources available for remote workers.
  4. Communication Tools: Employees and supervisors should establish agreed-upon tools that the team will use (emails, the college’s instant messenger, cell phones, WebEx, etc.).
  5. Safe Workspace: Employees who work remotely must maintain a physically safe workspace that is reasonably free of disruption. Employees who cannot create or maintain such a space will not be approved for remote work.
  6. Financial Responsibility: All costs associated with items 1 through 5 above will be the responsibility of employees, unless these payment for costs are approved by the respective Supervisor and ELT member in advance and in writing.

6. Reference


7. Definitions