Lansing Community College
Procedure Details

Procedure Title: Emergency Management Document Approval
Procedure #: EMD.001
Revision #: 000

Unit Responsible: Emergency Management Department
Individual Responsible: Director of Emergency Management

Effective Date: 02/16/2022
Initial Approval Date: 02/16/2022 by the Emergency Management Policy Team
Last Review/Update Date: 02/16/2022
Next Review Date: 02/16/2025

*Does this procedure support a Board Policy? Yes
If yes, identify: 6.030 – Emergency Preparedness and Management

Board policies can be found at: LCC Board of Trustees Policy Page

*Does this procedure support HLC criteria? Yes
If yes, identify: 5A4; 5C

HLC Criteria can be found at: HLC Accreditation Criteria

*Does this procedure support a State or Federal Regulation? Yes
If yes, identify: Michigan Emergency Management Act, Act 390 of 1976, as amended
Federal Presidential Policy Directive-8, 2011 which established the National Preparedness Goal, System, & Frameworks

*Note: Standard Operating Procedures should be in furtherance of some LCC policy and/or accreditation criteria, even if the relationship is not direct. Assistance in determining this information can be obtained from the Academic Procedure Advisory Committee (APAC) and/or the Accreditation Liaison Officer.

Emergency Management Document Approval, BP 6.030

1. Purpose

To provide a procedure for the coordination, review, approval, and dissemination of emergency management related documentation.

2. Scope

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) applies to all plans and procedures related to Emergency or Disaster prevention, protection from, mitigation, response to, and recovery from threats, vulnerabilities, and hazards. Those LCC employees and planning teams developing and updating emergency-related plans, processes, and procedures shall follow this SOP to ensure effective coordination, review, and approval and maintenance of associated documentation. Also, this SOP defines the process for emergency preparedness document promulgation and dissemination.

3. Prerequisites

The following plans shall be developed, finalized, and promulgated appropriately as part of the emergency preparedness process (see the Emergency Management and Preparedness Policy for document details):

  1. Threat, Hazard, and Vulnerability Risk Assessment (THVRA), and resulting:
    1. Mitigation Program/Plan
    2. Prevention and Protection Program/Plan
  2. Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)
  3. Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP)
  4. Continuity of Administration Plan (COA)
  5. Recovery Plan
  6. Multi-Year Training and Exercise Plan (MYTEP)

NOTE: The Information Technology Services (ITS) Business Resumption Plan (BRP) is developed, maintained, and exercised by ITS. The LCC ITS BRP is not part of this SOP.

4. Responsibilities

The Executive Director of Administrative Service or their designee is responsible for the maintenance and execution of this procedure.

The EMPT is the final approval authority for all emergency preparedness documentation.

5. Procedure

  1. Review and Approval

    Emergency Preparedness plan, process, or procedure development, review and approval action cycles:

    1. Development. An emergency preparedness plan, process, or procedure is developed by a person (i.e., usually the Director of Emergency Management (DEM)) or a working group (i.e., the EPPT or COOP-PT or sub-working group.)
    2. Review The plan, process or procedure is reviewed by a working group or sub-working group. A cycle of review, edits, and revisions may be necessary and take a significant amount of time.
    3. Pre-Approval. The plan, process, or procedure is approved by a working group or subworking group. Plans in FINAL DRAFT form will subsequently be submitted to the EMPT and Executive Leadership Team (ELT) for final review and comment.
    4. Final Approval.
      1. Plans will be reviewed and recommended for revision by the EMPT.
      2. The documentation scheduled for review should be provided to the EMPT in FINAL DRAFT form no less than 1 week prior to the scheduled meeting.
      3. Plans will be subsequently reviewed and approved by signature by each member of the EMPT in their periodic meeting (at least quarterly.)
      4. If the document is a process or procedure is mentioned, in list form to the EMPT for their information. The EMPT may review, but final approval rests on the planning team and the DEM.
  2. Maintenance and Revision

    All plans must be maintained (i.e., updated when significant changes to organization or process precipitates a need for revision) and revised (i.e., reread and updated for relevancy and currency), minimally every three (3) years from the date of the last approval. Revisions must be documented on a revision page within the document by date with major changes cited. Minor changes, such as grammar or format, can be made without a formal approval process but should be documented on the change page. All other changes must follow the process for final review, approval with signature.

  3. Promulgation

    When a plan is finally reviewed, approved and signed by the EMPT, a declaration of promulgation is developed by the DEM and made available to the identified audience with a link posted to the plan. Consideration should be given regarding any possible distribution limitations or exclusions (i.e., confidential, internal use only versus externally accessible information.)

  4. Document Repository

    All approved internal documents will be posted in the O: drive with the following exceptions:

    Exceptions - Plans, processes, or procedures related to threat, continuity, or critical infrastructure assessments are considered sensitive and not for general distribution. They will be kept and secured by the authoring department or division. This repository of sensitive information must be made available to teams defined by the Emergency Management and Preparedness Policy since they have a “need to know.”

6. Reference

Emergency Management Accreditation Program (EMAP), current standard

Continuity of Operations, FEMA Resource

National Preparedness System, FEMA Resource

Guide for Developing High Quality Emergency Operations Plans for Institutes of Higher Education, Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools Technical Assistance Center (REMS TA)

7. Definitions