Lansing Community College
Procedure Details

Procedure Title: Revised Course Approval
Procedure #: CC.002
Revision #: 004

Unit Responsible: Curriculum Committee
Individual Responsible: Chair, Curriculum Committee

Effective Date: 07/21/2023
Initial Approval Date: 08/22/2019
Last Review/Update Date: 07/21/2023
Next Review Date: 07/01/2026

*Does this procedure support a Board Policy? Yes
If yes, identify: 3.050-Approval of New Courses and Programs

Board policies can be found at: LCC Board of Trustees Policy Page

*Does this procedure support HLC criteria? Yes
If yes, identify: 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B

HLC Criteria can be found at: HLC Accreditation Criteria

*Does this procedure support a State or Federal Regulation? No
If yes, identify: N/A

*Note: Standard Operating Procedures should be in furtherance of some LCC policy and/or accreditation criteria, even if the relationship is not direct. Assistance in determining this information can be obtained from the Academic Procedure Advisory Committee (APAC) and/or the Accreditation Liaison Officer.

Revised Course Approval, BP 3.050

1. Purpose

To review revised (standard or expedited) courses submitted to the Curriculum Committee (CC) in order to ensure consistency across the various divisions of the College.

2. Scope

This standard operating procedure (SOP) applies to all revised credit-bearing courses proposed by the faculty of the College.

3. Prerequisites

Faculty proposing course revisions (standard or expedited) must follow their divisional processes, leading to approval by their Dean. This includes completing the proper CC worksheet for submission of revised (standard or expedited) courses. Once the Dean has approved the proposal, it is forwarded to the Course Information Management Team (CIMT) representative and/or designee for completion of the 5-star ticket.

4. Responsibilities

  • The Chair of the CC is responsible for overseeing each stage of this SOP.
  • The members of the CC and the TRT are responsible for conducting due diligence with regard to reviewing revised courses.

5. Procedure

Expedited Revised Course Proposal:

  1. The Academic Affairs Project Coordinator (AAPC) receives a 5-star ticket with an expedited revised course proposal from divisional Dean or designee.
  2. The AAPC reviews proposal to ensure that form is complete. If not, proposal is returned to divisional Dean or designee.
  3. The proposal is forwarded to the Director of Assessment for review and approval. In the event of any questions or concerns, the proposal is returned to the divisional Dean or designee.
    1. If no proposed change to student learning outcomes, this step is not needed.
  4. Once approved, the AAPC will forward the proposal to the full CC by email and advise to review and provide objections with 2 business days.
  5. If no objections from CC members, the proposal is then sent to the Academic Senate for review and approval.
    1. If approved by the Academic Senate, the proposal is then sent to the Provost for review and approval.
    2. If Provost’s approval is received, the AAPC will prepare and send the Letter of Approval to the proposing faculty, division CIMT representative and designee, and divisional Dean.
    3. If Provost approval is not received, the proposal is returned to the Dean or designee with explanation.
  6. If objections are received from CC members, the proposal is returned to the divisional Dean or designee for editing or transferring to a full Revised Course Proposal process.
    The revised proposals are then reviewed at the Curriculum Committee meeting (see below).

Revised Course Proposal:

  1. The AAPC receives a 5-star ticket with a revised course proposal from the divisional Dean or designee.
  2. The AAPC reviews proposal to ensure that form is complete. If not, proposal is returned to divisional Dean or designee.
  3. The proposal is forwarded to the Director of Assessment and TRT for review and approval. If questions or concerns, the proposal is returned to the divisional Dean or designee.
  4. TRT conducts formal, detailed review within five (5) business days. If necessary, they will consult with the divisional Course Information Management Team (CIMT) representative and/or designee. The CIMT representative and/or designee communicates with the contact person listed on the proposal.
  5. The TRT Report with recommendations will be submitted to the divisional Dean or designee. The Revised course proposal is added to the next CC meeting.
  6. The full CC reviews the proposal.
  7. If the proposal is approved, the AAPC will forward the proposal to the Academic Senate President for senate review.
  8. If the proposal is approved by Academic Senate, the AAPC will forward the proposal to the Provost for review.
  9. If the proposal is approved by Provost,
    1. AAPC will forward a decision letter to the Dean, CIMT representative and designee, and contact person on proposal.
    2. A copy of decision letter and approved proposal will be stored on the O: drive workspace.

6. Reference


7. Definitions

CC: Curriculum Committee – a Standing Committee of the Academic Senate charged with providing “leadership and support related to academic courses and curricula to ensure that academic standards are maintained” and led by faculty.

CIMT: Course Information Management Team – a college-wide committee charged with managing data, information, and processes to coordinate and implement aspects of academic course scheduling and instruction. Academic Coordinators may serve as designees.

TRT: Technical Review Team – subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee that pre-reviews proposals for technical issues and consistency.