Lansing Community College Library
Old Central Library
1 / 11Old Central Library, date unknown.
Kim Farley, Reference Desk, Old Central Library
2 / 11Kim Farley, Reference Desk, Old Central Library, date unknown.
Suzanne Sawyer, Reference Desk, Arts & Sciences Library
3 / 11Suzanne Sawyer, Reference Desk, Arts and Sciences Library.
Gloria Sepulveda Vasqez, end of the card catalog, 1981
4 / 11Gloria Sepulveda-Vazquez, end of the card catalog, 1981.
Mark Zussman, Gannon Voc Tech Library
5 / 11Mark Zussman, Gannon Voc Tech Library
TLC building under construction, October 1996
6 / 11TLC building under construction, October 1996
Library display
7 / 11Library display, date unknown.
McKenzie Firstbrook and Mindy Babarskis, Library One Book event, 2018
8 / 11McKenzie Firstbrook and Mindy Babarskis, Library One Book event, 2018
Josef Welbes and Robin Moore, 2020
9 / 11Josef Welbes & Robin Moore, 2020
John Szilagyi and Steve Kimball, TLC Renovation, March 2020
10 / 11John Szilagyi & Steve Kimball, March 2020
Library staff photo, 2020
11 / 11Library staff meeting, 2020

LCC Library 1966-1997

This video was produced by Mark Zussman and Mark Buzzitta in 1997 right before the three libraries across campus combined and moved into the Technology and Learning Center.

Give to the Library

Support student learning by donating to the Library program fund and the Kimberly Farley Memorial Scholarship.



LCC Archives

The LCC Archives is the official repository responsible for collecting, preserving, and providing access to materials related to LCC that have enduring historical value.

LCC Archives




  • 1957: Lansing Community College was established. The "library" was a set of books on a windowsill in President Philip Gannon's office.
  • 1959: Don Pelkey was hired as the first LCC librarian.


  • 1960: First formal library was created in the Old Central Building.
  • 1964: A Library Technology degree program was created.
  • 1966: The library was moved into new space in Old Central (formerly Old Central high school gym).
  • 1968: A second library was established in the new Arts and Sciences building.


  • 1970s: Two hundred and fifty classes were offered per year on how to use the library.
  • 1970s: The library assisted other colleges and public libraries with the formation of the Michigan Library Consortium.
  • 1970s: The library converted to Library of Congress classification.
  • 1970s: The library began conversion to a computer catalog (CLSI).
  • 1974: The Arts and Sciences library received a special collection dedicated to Native American and Hispanic cultures.
  • 1975: A small library was established in the new Gannon Vocational-Technical building.


  • 1981: The library was the first in Michigan to provide a computer catalog for the entire collection.
  • 1988: Plan was devised to create one large LCC Library in the Arts and Sciences building. It was dropped due to the expense of moving the cafeteria.
  • 1988: The Vocational Technical Library in the Gannon building was closed.


  • 1990: A new Vocational Technical Library was opened in the Gannon building.
  • 1991: A Blue Ribbon committee recommended construction of an academic services building to house the library and other services.
  • 1995: There was a groundbreaking ceremony for the new Technology and Learning Center building.
  • 1997: The three LCC libraries became one as staff and material moved into the new library space in the TLC building.
  • 1998: The library in the TLC building officially opened to the public in January, with a grand opening ceremony in March.
  • 1999: Subscriptions to full text electronic resources were doubled.


  • 2004: A 24/7 library tutorial was developed (LINKS).
  • 2005: Email and chat reference services began.
  • 2007: The library began a librarian liaison program.


  • 2014: The Library started the first One Book One LCC program, Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot.
  • 2016: The library began lending laptops and 3D printing became available.
  • 2017: Appointment based reference service began.
  • 2019: Lending laptop collection reached 500 laptops.


The Library and the Technology and Learning Center building are undergoing a massive renovation. Learning Commons will be moving into TLC. The library and the Learning Commons will work together to ensure ready access to academic support services for students: tutoring, research help, technology help, and writing assistance.

Library and Learning Commons

Technology and Learning Center

Downtown Campus
Technology & Learning Center (TLC)
400 N. Capitol Ave.
Lansing, MI 48933

A StarCard is required to enter the TLC building.

TLC Interactive Map

Campus Map