Lansing Community College Human Resources

Lansing Community Colleges' Board Policies make clear that discrimination is prohibited against persons on the basis of sex in its educational programs and activities. The legal prohibition against sex discrimination in education comes from, among other places, Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 (“Title IX”). Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, including pregnancy and related conditions. LCC is committed to creating an accessible and inclusive environment for students and employees affected by pregnancy, childbirth and pregnancy-related conditions.

Students who are pregnant or are experiencing related conditions are entitled to Reasonable Modifications to prevent sex discrimination and ensure equal access to the College’s education program and activity. Any student seeking Reasonable Modifications must contact the Title IX Coordinator to discuss appropriate and available Reasonable Modifications based on their individual needs.

Title IX Coordinators

Christine Thompson
Dir. Of Student Compliance
Student Title IX Coordinator
Gannon Building
411 N. Grand Avenue
Lansing, MI 48933
Phone: 517-483-9632

Greg Lattig
Athletic Director
Deputy Student Title IX Coordinator
Gannon Building
411 N. Grand Avenue
Lansing, MI 48933
Phone: 517-483-1622

JR Beauboeuf
Director of Risk Management
Equal Opportunity Officer & Title IX Coordinator
309 N. Washington Square
Lansing, MI 48933
Phone: 517-483-1730

LCC provides assistance to employees who have a serious health condition or disability as well as employees who have a family member with a serious health condition. The College provides reasonable modifications and accommodations to qualified employees who have known limitations related to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions. For more information contact Human Resources and review the leaves and accommodations webpage.

Stephanie Dodge
HR Director of Total Compensation & Employment
ADA Accommodations Coordinator
610 N. Capitol Avenue
Lansing, MI 48933
Phone: 517-483-1875

Student Reasonable Modification Request Form

Pregnancy and Pregnancy-Related Conditions and Parenting Student Procedure

Lactation rooms

The college has identified several rooms that can be used for breast milk expression. These rooms meet statutory requirements and may be used by employees and students. Room locations follow:

Downtown Campus

  • Washington Court Place (WCP) – Room 112
  • Gannon Building – Room 2132F (Inside Women’s Locker Room)
  • Health and Human Services (HHS) – Room 009.1
  • Technology and Learning Center (TLC) – Room 3307

Contact LCC Human Resources at 517-483-1870 for key access to the lactation rooms on Downtown Campus.  Room keys may be ‘checked-out’ for the duration of the employee’s and/or student’s lactation necessity.  Room keys are required to be returned to Human Resources when the lactation necessity is complete.

West Campus: Contact Student Services at 517-267-5509*

East Campus: Contact Liz Garrett at 517-483-1322*

Livingston Center, Room B102: Contact Martha Anderson at 517-545-3522*

*If the listed contact is unable to be reached, call LCC Human Resources at 517-483-1870.

*Students and employees may access lactation spaces after business hours by contacting LCC Police Department at 517-483-1800. 

Students and Employees are encouraged to contact Human Resources to ‘check-out’ a lactation key so you may use available spaces at your convenience. It is recommended that lactation room accommodations are made prior to parental leave.

Milk expression breaks

The college is required to provide a reasonable amount of break time to express milk as frequently as needed by the nursing employee. The frequency of breaks needed to express milk as well as the duration of each break will likely vary.

Employees (including student employees) may use their paid breaks and/or unpaid lunch periods for the purpose of expressing milk.

Students should work with the Title IX Coordinators to determine reasonable modifications to express milk.

Milk storage

Expressed milk can be stored in college refrigerators or in an employee’s personal cooler. Employees storing milk should label expressed milk with their name and date collected. Each employee is responsible for proper storage of their milk. Each student is responsible for proper storage of their milk.

Pregnant and Parenting Resources

  • For information regarding how financial aid may be impacted contact the Financial Aid Office.
    • To request accommodations for a temporary disability related to pregnancy or pregnancy related medical condition, contact the Center for Student Access.


For questions related to room locations or facility issues, contact Administrative Services at 517-483-1808. For questions related to employee break times and/or other questions/concerns, contact LCC Human Resources at 517-483-1870.