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New basketball coach has young team

women's hoop practice

Members of the LCC women's basketball team, joined by a few from the LCC men's team, play in a scrimmage game in the Gannon Gym during practice.  Photo by Kaitlyn Delaney

Michael Leek

By Michael Leek
Sports Editor

The LCC women’s basketball team has been preparing for the start of its season with new Head Coach Megan Hudson.

This will be Hudson’s first season as head coach after being the assistant coach for the past two seasons. She replaces Layne Ingram, who resigned after last season.

The Stars have been training for the upcoming season in multiple ways, including running at one of the required cross country meets for the women’s team, when the female harriers were at another meet out of state.

Hudson said James Robinson, the head coach of the cross country team, asked if any of the girls on her team were interested in running at the meet and Hudson said they all would.

“We used it as a team-building activity for us in the sense that the timing of it worked out perfect,” Hudson said. “It was right at the end of our preseason conditioning.”

For the upcoming season, the Stars’ basketball roster consists of only three returning players and nine freshmen.

Although the team is freshmen heavy, Hudson said the Stars have been adapting to college play well.

“The great part about the freshmen that we recruited is they come from really strong programs in the area that are used to winning,” Hudson said. “They already have that DNA built in to show up and work hard.”

The team spent much time working on team building, leadership and problem-solving.

“We tried different fitness classes, wanted to expose them to track workouts and we even took a hip-hop step class,” Hudson said. “It was a good time for team building, but it also got their workouts in.”

The Stars’ season begins on the road with three away games. They play at Kankakee Community College on Friday, Nov. 3 for their first game. Immediately following, on Saturday, Nov. 4, the Stars will play Elgin Community College.

The Stars first home game is on Wednesday, Nov. 15, against Cornerstone University JV in the Gannon Building gym.



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