Four inducted into Veterans Memorial - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Four inducted into Veterans Memorial

Veterans Memorial

LCC Director of Veterans Affairs Andrew Cosgrove speaks during the Veterans Memorial Induction Ceremony on Friday, Nov. 10 in the Health and Human Services building.  Photo by Mallory Stiles

Mallory Stiles

By Mallory Stiles
Editor in Chief

LCC held a Veterans Memorial Induction Ceremony at the downtown campus on Friday, Nov. 10 in the Fred Abood Rotunda, located in the Health and Human Services building.

The 11 a.m. start of the event was marked with a musical selection played on bagpipes by Bill Hamilton, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and then opening remarks from LCC Director of Veteran Services Andrew Cosgrove.

“I want to welcome you all to Lansing Community College for our 12th Veterans Day Ceremony,” Cosgrove said. “I am grateful that all of you could join us today, because this is a very special day for us.”

He went on to point out there was a major update made to the memorial over the past year, and outlined the necessity of the remodel.

“We were running out of space on the glass panels to add additional honorees,” Cosgrove said. “By adding LED screens in place of the glass panels, we will be able to add an infinite number of veteran names and imagery long after I am gone.”

Following introductory remarks, Cosgrove introduced this year’s four inductees, all of whom are deceased. He shared bits of their stories and awarded the honorees’ relatives with commemorative plaques.

Robert F. McCauley served from 1939 to 1973 and is originally from East Lansing. He was inducted for his service, both as an active duty officer and a member of the reserve, during WWII as a lieutenant colonel in the United States Army.

Marie Rose McCauley, Robert McCauley’s wife, served from 1943 to 1945 and is also from East Lansing. She was inducted for her service as a sergeant during WWII in the Woman’s Army Corps, known today as the United States Army.

Finally, two brothers were inducted. Both from Lansing, the Lotoszinski brothers both joined the U.S. Air Force and also fought in WWII.

Henry W. Lotoszinski was a second lieutenant who served from 1942 to 1944. Edward F. Lotoszinski was a first lieutenant who served from 1939 to 1954.

Each honoree had a tale to be told. These tales were recounted through a video commemoration that was played for the attendees after each service member was properly introduced.

Special attendees included LCC Board of Trustees Vice Chair Angela L. Mathews, and Chan Wakefield from the office of U.S. Rep. Elissa Slotkin of Michigan. Wakefield offered a comment after the final musical selection was played.

“I am the veteran and military liaison for Congresswoman Slotkin,” Wakefield said. “It was important that I be here today to not only honor our veterans, as we do every Veterans Day, but especially our local veterans who either come from Lansing or have ties to the area. We just want to be here, show our support, be with the families and just thank them for their service.

“As a veteran myself currently serving in the Navy Reserve, these events are really important to me. They really hit home.”

Another member of the crowd, Thomas Stornant, while on his way to the reception hall, offered his opinion on the day’s event. He said there was a sentimental reason for his presence.

“My brother-in-law’s father and uncle, the Lotoszinski brothers, were inducted today,” Stornant said. “That’s why I came, we have a lot of family here.”

Stornant said there had been other documentaries put together by family members but, to him, it was nice to see strangers give recognition.

“I was versed in some of this stuff, but to watch other people come here today and appreciate it was fun,” Stornant said. “The veterans don’t get enough, as far as I am concerned. The country owes them an eternal debt and it’s important for young people to understand the sacrifices that were made.”



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