LCC hosts substance abuse event 4/20 - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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LCC hosts substance abuse event 4/20


LCC counselor Curlada Eure-Harris shared information about LCC's substance about informational event this Thursday, April 20.  Photo by Mallory Stiles

Mallory Stiles

By Mallory Stiles
Associate Editor

LCC will host an event from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. this Thursday in the Washington Square Mall to give students a chance to learn about substance abuse.

Ironically, or perhaps purposefully, the event is scheduled on 4/20 and is hosted by LCC’s very own counseling team, according to LCC counselor Curlada Eure-Harris.

“Every year, the counselors do educational outreaches,” Eure-Harris said. “We have had a mood disorder day, an eating disorder day, a healthy relationships day (and) a substances day.”

While there will be some talking, it seems most of it will revolve around more of a hands-on approach.

“We will have some activities and interactives to educate students,” she said. “If it’s a nice day, we are going to have cars that you can drive around with special glasses on to see what it’s like to drive intoxicated at various levels of intoxication.

“We’ll have a ‘size your drink’ activity where you can measure different drink amounts. We will have some mental health tips related to using or abusing or misusing substances like alcohol and marijuana.”

Life is extremely stressful and there should be absolutely zero stigma around any coping mechanism employed, but it is important to examine all the evidence and make an educated decision about exactly which one to choose.

Eure-Harris said another reason events like this are held is to remind students that they are not alone and there are licensed professional counselors right down the hall who are there to help.

“Anyone is welcome,” she said. “Our goal is to outreach, but whoever comes by is welcome. We wouldn’t turn anyone away.”

So no matter who you are, show up and shake a hand or two and see how bad of a drunk driver you are.



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