Student appreciates patterns of history - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Student appreciates patterns of history

Justin Rose

LCC student Justin Rose is majoring in history, and plans to transfer to MSU. Photo by Abby Cowels

abby cowels

By Abby Cowels
Associate Editor

“Everything was directing me to study history,” said LCC student Justin Rose.

Rose is currently working on getting all of his general education requirements before transferring to Michigan State University to continue his major in history.

“I loved learning about the Middle Ages; all the feudalism and migration,” Rose said. “I have always found that to be so fascinating. After the passing of my great-grandfather, we started going through some of his old boxes. We found a lot of documents.”

Rose spoke about how his great-grandfather was an inspiration for his sparked interest in history.

“There was this certificate, also some kind of medal of honor,” Rose said. “We found out that it was an award given to the Italian Militia for their dedicated service. My great-grandfather specifically received ‘The Order of Vittorio Veneto,’ for his service fighting on the Italian Front in World War I.”

Rose detailed his perspectives and philosophies, and how these are embraced that through his studies.

“Knowing our history does allow us to make more educated decisions coming into the future,” Rose said. “And I think it’s also a great point of inspiration we should draw from. We should think back to our failures, and accomplishments, and learn from that.”

Rose went on to explain his personal doctrine when reflecting on the past, and how history can be a point of reference moving forward.

“I think that like their hardships in the past, (they) can resemble ours today,” Rose said. “I think we should find some peace knowing that … we can get through it, just as they did.

“Our history shows our patterns, and it is important that people pay attention and learn from our past. I want to encourage that same contemplation in others, and that certain love for history that I have.”



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