LCC student pursues career as a nurse - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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LCC student pursues career as a nurse

LCC student seeks career as a nurse

Kylie Hengesbach is enrolled in the nursing program at Lansing Community College. Courtesy photo

Chloe Gregg

By Chloe Gregg
Associate Editor

Now more than ever, nurses are recognized for their hard work, skills and dedication to helping others. Kylie Hengesbach is a current LCC nursing student whose dream is to be a Lansing-area certified RN.

“I would be very interested in working with orthopedic (surgeons) or working in hospice care,” Hengesbach said. “(I want) to be able to provide quality care to my patients… (and) make a difference in the patients I care for. I want to be a small light during their hardship in life.”

Hengesbach said she has always been interested in the medical field, but wasn’t sure exactly what to pursue. After having to go through a few surgeries herself, and building relationships with and observing the people taking care of her, she realized she wanted to do the same for other people.

“(The) impact they made on me was something I will never forget,” Hengesbach said of the experience.

Hengesbach said she is grateful for LCC and the education it has provided to help her build connections for her future career.

In her free time, Hengesbach has a part-time job and enjoys spending time with her family and friends.

One friend in particular, Morgan Hengesbach (no relation), said that she enjoys having Kylie so close by, even at college.

“It’s great that we can meet up in between or after classes and that we’re both kind of going through a similar experience while at LCC,” Morgan said. “I’m so proud of her and everything she’s accomplished. She’s come so far!”



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