LCC shines with Student Affairs Crawl - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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LCC shines with Student Affairs Crawl


LCC second-ever Student Affairs Crawl was held Jan. 17 and 18 on LCC’s main campus.  Photo by Abby Cowels

Abby Cowels

By Abby Cowels
Staff Writer

The LCC Student Affairs Crawl, held Jan. 17 and 18 on LCC’s main campus, was all about resources.

LCC provides many resources to ensure student success. The Crawl encouraged students to explore the various options of support to which they have access.

The academic advisers were happy to explain that students may need help arranging their schedules and knowing what requirements they need to meet. They are there to give academic advice to any who have questions.

“Academic advising helps you with planning your curriculum, what you're going to major in,” said Marnie Parris, an academic adviser of 20 years. “(We help a) lot with career exploration, we do a lot of work with transferring credits, where you're going to transfer to, and what classes you should take.”

At the Center for Student Support, staff offered free pizza and a scan-to-enter scholarship contest from the LCC Foundation.

“We support students with accessibility and accommodations, students with special needs, like tutoring and testing accommodations,” said Student Support Adviser Lola Olusile. “We also offer free counseling services to students.”

The Success Coach Lounge was busy with students and staff. Academic Success Coach Jason Britain made it clear the coaches are there to answer any questions students may have. Brittain also pointed out that they provide a private study area for those who need a quiet place to work.

“We participate in the Crawl because we want students to be aware of the services that we provide and the many things that we can help students with,” Britain said.

The lounge staff offered free school supplies and personal hygiene products, including notebooks, pens, pencils, toothpaste and deodorant.

The Career Center was another popular spot at the event, probably because it had free cookies. But also because the staff there can help students set a course to a career after graduation.

“At the Career Center, we want to help students from start to finish, or anywhere in between; said Becca Sowa, internship development manager. “(These services include) career assessments, resume and cover letter development, job searching and finding internships. Students, attending or graduated, can always use our services.”

The Student Affairs Crawl, the second of its kind, was incredibly informative and created a safe atmosphere of helpful individuals wanting to support students in the challenges they may face while in college.



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