Compliance office has new site, liaison - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Compliance office has new site, liaison

Student compliance liaison

Eusevia Reyes is the new student compliance liaison at Lansing Community College. Courtesy photo

Chloe Gregg

By Chloe Gregg
Associate Editor

The Student Compliance Office at LCC has recently gone through some changes. Not only has it changed its location on campus, but there is now a new student compliance liaison, Eusevia Reyes.

“As the student compliance liaison, I help with case investigations by gathering any necessary information,” Reyes said. “I create and manage reports in our advocate system manager, which allows me to place any necessary holds or sanctions on a student’s account.

“When we have conduct hearings, I prep any hearing documents and send out notifications to our panel members and the student.”

Reyes, who is an LCC alum, said her average day includes checking and sending out necessary emails, and creating letters for students. She also answers any incoming calls to the office, usually regarding student questions, to schedule any upcoming meetings, or anything else.

Reyes said she has been enjoying her new position.

“All the staff at LCC that I have met have been very helpful and have answered any questions I have,” Reyes said. “LCC has made my transition to higher education very smooth and I really am passionate about the work that I do.

“Being in higher education is something I have always been interested in, (and) I am excited to continue to meet more staff and be involved in any way I can.”

Christine Thompson, the director of Student Compliance, said Reyes has been a great addition to the Student Compliance team.

“She brings relevant experience to the position and is very passionate about students and higher education,” Thompson said. “She learns quickly, has great insight and technology skills, and we look forward to her continued growth in her new role.”

As for the new location, the new Student Compliance office is now located in Gannon Building room 1204.

“The space has been renovated and updated to meet our needs,” Thompson said. “It is very welcoming, with a lot of natural light.

“We have several meeting spaces to meet with students that offer a calming atmosphere that also supports confidentiality. Technology has been incorporated to monitor safety and the ability for virtual meetings when needed.”



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