Student skills displayed at StarScapes
Stephen Do demonstrates a proper overhead shoulder press at StarScapes on Dec. 5. Photo by Larry Hook
By Larry Hook
The Lookout Adviser
Dozens of creative student projects were on display during the annual spring version of StarScapes on Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 4 and 5 on LCC’s main campus.
The Gannon Building Highway was filled with artwork, scientific information, fashion design and more, with many of the student/creators present to describe their work.
Student Stefan Do was busy Dec. 5 describing and demonstrating how to properly execute an overhead shoulder press, the topic of his spring project.
“Basically, we talk about the muscles that are involved, how to properly set up and perform the movement and then the mechanic aspects of it, like what’s going on with the muscles,” Do said.
“It’s one of the big five power movements. It’s really good for building strength and stability in the upper body.”
The fashion display included a plastic bag dress made by Sophia Potter (center). Photo
by Larry Hook
Artist Sophia Potter was running around showing off her various pieces she made with
various mediums. One of the most eye-catching pieces was a dress she made using Meijer
and Target plastic shopping bags, among other materials.
“I wore it,” Potter said. “It’s actually very comfortable.”
One section of the Gannon Highway was dedicated to artwork made out of cardboard. One creative piece paid homage to 1960s and 1970s television and cartoons. It was made by Aidan Meder, a gifted cartoonist.
The StarScapes Innovative and Creative Showcase takes place at the end of fall and spring semesters and is open to all LCC students. For more information, click here.
Artist Aidan Meder included the Pink Panther, Fred Flintstone and Scooby Doo in his
cardboard creation. Photo by Larry Hook