Review: 'Luther: The Fallen Sun' - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Review: 'Luther: The Fallen Sun'


Photo from Netflix

Jonah Unger

Two and a Half out of Five Stars

By Jonah Unger
Staff Writer

“Luther: The Fallen Sun” is a Netflix original movie that was released Feb. 24, 2023. The two-hour and nine-minute film stars award-winning actor Idris Elba as John Luther.

This movie is about ex-detective Luther, who decides to escape prison to finish catching a serial killer who haunts his career. This movie takes place in modern-day London, and was written by Neil Cross. 

The acting in this movie was good at best, considering fan favorite Elba is playing the main character. A lot of the movie is entertaining as well as most of the special effects.

The movie is fun to watch for the first few minutes, and I believe that the story has a good premise. The fun and dark idea of an ex-detective breaking out of prison to finish what he started, mixed with the action-packed explosions of a James Bond movie, is a brave idea. 

Although bringing those two movie tropes together is respectful, the movie was not high quality. There were many plot holes, which would be fine if the movie wasn’t trying to disguise itself as a dark thriller. 

Most action movies are going to have plot holes that people have to look past. That being said, it is not acceptable to come off as a mind twisting thriller and not deliver. Good acting can only carry a bad movie so far.

The film scored a 67 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, and I think that is around the perfect rating for the movie, if not a little generous. I am giving it a 2.5 out of 5 stars, marking it officially disappointing.



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