Mind of Michael: The Transfer Portal - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Mind of Michael: The Transfer Portal

Michael Leek

Michael Leek

By Michael Leek
Sports Editor

One thing that has been on my mind lately is the NCAA Transfer Portal, and after reading up on it, I noticed I did not completely understand what it was.

My opinion on the Transfer Portal initially was that I did not like it. I was seeing too many names from big schools either leaving or coming in. I thought the Transfer Portal was just an easy way for collegiate athletes to transfer to other schools if they did not like their situation.

What the Transfer Portal is, is a compliance tool to manage the transfer process for students, and a database that athletes will upload their name to when they want to transfer.

When I first read this, I immediately thought about professional athletes entering free agency and getting signed by another team.

After reading and learning more about the Transfer Portal, my initial thoughts have changed a little bit in the sense that some situations may benefit from it, but I still do not like it.

According to the NCAA, “In Division 1 sports, 20,911 student-athletes entered the Transfer Portal in 2022.”

I do not believe that the Transfer Portal is a bad thing, but I do believe that it is being used for minor issues athletes are faced with. Student-athletes can go to their compliance office to enter the portal for as little as not wanting to be at the school.

These minor issues that are being brought to collegiate compliance offices for transfer requests are oversaturating the Transfer Portal, and the student-athletes are not being held accountable.

To solve the oversaturation of the portal I believe there should be better restrictions on the reasons for entering the Transfer Portal. The transfer can be waived, but for eligibility reasons and not for personal reasons.

For student-athletes who are trying to transfer from a lower division school into a Division 1 school, the transfer portal allows for an easier process, and that is what it should be used for. It should also be used for severe or emergency situations that student-athletes may be going through with a school or coaching staff.




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