Lookout Below: Piano lesson addictive - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Lookout Below: Piano lesson addictive

Joey Lindstrom

The Lookout Associate Editor Mallory Stiles took her first piano lesson from a very patient teacher named Joey Lindstrom.  Photo by Mallory Stiles

Mallory Stiles

By Mallory Stiles
Associate Editor

There are countless studies that show that learning multiple new things at once as an adult can drastically increase cognitive ability.

A senior living blog on discoveryvillages.com states that learning new things can make the brain of an older adult 30 years younger in as little as six weeks.

With that in mind, I showed up to the School of Rock, located at 2037 W. Grand River Ave. in Okemos, to add just one more thing to my “things I am currently learning” list.

The staff was especially kind and the atmosphere was VERY rock-‘n’-roll with chalkboard walls and lots of pictures.

I chose piano for my first free lesson and, upon googling, quickly found out there were more benefits than just being able to play some of my favorite songs.

Learning piano can also improve counting and math skills, improve reading comprehension, help with language skills, strengthen hand-eye coordination and, most importantly, reduce stress.

Sign. Me. Up.

My instructor met me at the door and introduced himself as Joey Lindstrom with more enthusiasm than I expected. We happily chose a practice room and immediately got started.

I learned a little about notes, chords, octaves and scales. It was a complicated 10 minutes, but only because I am completely musically ignorant.

Joey did an excellent job at explaining and re-explaining when things didn’t quite make sense.

The next 19 minutes were spent on me attempting to play “Let It Be” by The Beatles, and the very last minute was spent on high-fives because I actually did it!

I absolutely loved my time in that music room and left with a feeling of genuine joy, so much so that I called today for details on what it would cost to make this a regular thing.

The adult package is one private lesson and one band rehearsal a week for $329 a month. School of Rock also arranges for the school’s adult band to perform every few months at a different venue in Lansing to give performing experience to its students.

Don’t let your talent go undiscovered. Sign up for your free first lesson here.




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