Student gets second in writing contest - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Student gets second in writing contest

LAND Bonnie

LCC student Bonnie Goupil, placed second for her short story “Insurrection” in the local competition at LCC. She also placed second statewide in the creative writing competition.  Courtesy photo

Jonah Unger

By Jonah Unger
Staff Writer

The LAND (Liberal Arts Network for Development) annual writing competition offers many opportunities for those who participate.

One of those participants, LCC's own Bonnie Goupil, placed second for her short story “Insurrection” in the local competition at LCC. She also placed second statewide in the creative writing competition. 

The first- and second-place winners of the LCC LAND creative writing competition are sent to the statewide competition. This gives students the opportunity to compete against other students from various different community colleges in Michigan.

Goupil is a marketing major at LCC, as well as vice president of Phi Theta Kappa honor society. She is a mother of two, and said she enjoys writing and taking care of her three pet rats by spoiling them with treats. 

Goupil does not consider herself a fiction specialist.  

“I love to write, but I am not a fiction writer,” Goupil said. “I had actually intended to write an essay, but when my stepfather suggested I write about the loss of democracy, the gears started turning.” 

This writing piece was out of the ordinary for Goupil, but she grew some inspiration while writing the piece. 

“It made me feel things while I was writing it, so I decided I was on the right track,” Goupil said.

The LAND writing competition gives students the opportunity to showcase their writing as well as have people read and review their writings. 

“I'm so grateful I had the opportunity through LCC to enter this contest,” Goupil said. “This has been such a validating and positive experience, and I'm still kind of shocked that I placed (in state competition) with a fiction piece.” 

For more information on the LAND writing competition and to read some of the winning entries, visit LAND’s website. Contact with any questions. 



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