Julie's Jukes: What happened to fall? - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Julie's Jukes: What happened to fall?

Julie Newell

Julie Newell

By Julie Newell
Editor in Chief

What happened to fall? My favorite season of the year is always cut short by the dreaded Michigan winter.

I went home this past weekend to visit my family in South Haven, like I do almost every weekend. But this time things were different.

Saturday started off normal. I had a relaxing morning with my parents, then went to a birthday party for my best friend’s daughter, who turned 2 last week.

However, during the party it started to snow. At first it was just a little sleet, and it wasn’t sticking to the ground, so I wasn’t worried.

I went on with my day, enjoying the party, and then had a blast at the trivia night event that my church held.

To my dismay, Sunday morning came around and there were at least four inches of snow on the ground. That’s lake effect for you!

My sister, who loves winter and the snow, was ecstatic by the snowfall. She even started watching Christmas movies later that day and got out her Christmas decorations to put up.

I was OK with the Christmas decorations because my family from out of state is visiting for Thanksgiving. We will be celebrating both Thanksgiving and Christmas while they are here.

Why must the fall season be so short? It is the best season, bar none. The weather is not too hot and not too cold. The trees change into beautiful colors and Biggby’s Caramel Apple Cider drink is available.

Fall really got the short straw when it came to the length of the seasons. Even spring lasts longer than fall.

As much as I am excited for Christmas, I am never ready for the snow.



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